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The e-commerce.

Stopped at checkout_shipping.php page


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Hi all,


I installed oscommerce 2.2ms2 english official version, before I install, I add the register_globals patch to it. and installed successful and working with mysql 4.1 after do some php code change reference from this url




later I download the language package and then upload to the web server , and install them with the admin interface, but now I finded a big big problems!!!!


While I test the paypal process for my shop, ONLY english version can from the starting to finished page (The end will redirect you to https://www.paypal.com, it can let me know it work, all right?)


But, if I go to main page, choose using the Chinese Traditional (Taiwan) or Chinese Simp (Mainland), both also failed, and stop at the checkout_shipping.php this page, click the "Continue" Button will just look like reload the page, will not like english version go to checkout_payment.php to let you choose the way that you want to choose for pay ....


What is wrong on my oscommerce???


And it also can't using the Chinese page to add categories, after type the Chinese word in it, it just add a space, not show the Chinese word, but if I add Chinese Word in english version admin interface, all is ok...


Why my oscommerce is like this? Just this step, after this step, my boss's e-commerce can starting to working ...


please give some suggestion and help


thx for your time to read this post.


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