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The e-commerce.

My New Shop


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Hello everyone! I am completley new to all this osCommerce Shopping thing. I have installed the shop perfectly. But i have a couple of questions.


1. When the person wants to pay for the item and want to enter credit card details etc, how does the money get processed to myself? And how does it get transferred to my Company Bank account?


2. How do i activate the SSL Secure server? I am wondering if i have to buy the licence for it? And im guessing thats the answer.


3. If i do have to by the the licence then how does it get installed?


4. When i click on some of the features i get an error saying "the connection for c-recordz.co.uk has terminated unexpectidly. Some data may have been transfered"

What does this mean and why does it do it and how do i fix it?

I do have a password on the directory of my shop, but i don't see how that would make a difference?


Thank you very much for whom ever can answer.

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Hello everyone! I am completley new to all this osCommerce Shopping thing. I have installed the shop perfectly. But i have a couple of questions.


1. When the person wants to pay for the item and want to enter credit card details etc, how does the money get processed to myself? And how does it get transferred to my Company Bank account?


2. How do i activate the SSL Secure server? I am wondering if i have to buy the licence for it? And im guessing thats the answer.


3. If i do have to by the the licence then how does it get installed?


4. When i click on some of the features i get an error saying "the connection for c-recordz.co.uk has terminated unexpectidly. Some data may have been transfered"

What does this mean and why does it do it and how do i fix it?

I do have a password on the directory of my shop, but i don't see how that would make a difference?


Thank you very much for whom ever can answer.


1, You have to set up a Merchant account with whoever you want to use for your on-line payments. I'm in the UK and use SECPay which is processed by Streamline who then transfer it to my company account. You don't need to bank with them to use them you select which account where you want the money to finally end up. Theres also Worldpay (expensive), Paypal (Limited Users and customers need to create an account) and many more. Setting one up can take a couple of weeks before you get the info needed to configure your payment module in your admin.


2, If you have no idea about any of this then contact your host who will be able to get you an SSL certificate and install it for you. This will cost a little more than doing it yourself, but if they get it and install it, they have to support it aswell if you have any problems in the future. If you do know a little bit of what your doing, you have plenty of time to buy one on-line and install it yourself before you will need to use it. Good for learning aswell. Far too many to be able to recommend one, probably best opening a new thread to ask that question.


3, As 2


4, No idea what you mean, what features do you click for it to do this? have you got any test products in, have you configured all your admin min/max values etc to make sure the shop is set up correctly.





A little knowledge is dangerous, I SHOULD KNOW.

If Life Begins At 40, What ends????

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Hello there! thank you for your answer" very helpful! To the question for number 4. it happens when you click on the "checkout" button, the "my account button", "create account" button, and "login" button... i have no idea whats going on. Yes i have some test products there and yes all min and amx values are setup.... i don't know whats going on with that....


I also have another question... lol very sorry to be annoying, this is my first time and i want to do everything properly.


I have recently created a new website in macromedia flash mx 2004... which you can view here...




the website is for my new company called "Chronix Recordz" which is a record label im starting. To promote the record label i want to sell clothes... by creating another website for it, meaning an online shop.... i've been looking at a few examples on this forum, and see that people have their own websites, but yet still have the ability to have shopping baskets and credit card processing kind of imbedded into their website.... How would i go about doing something like this work? Is it something you have to know by learning a lot of html? or is it something that can be easily setup or setup by someone else?


again thank you for the answers in advance

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All the buttons you mention are generally on the secure side of the site which you currently don't have, this is probably why you get the errors. Normally this would be the usual message "unable to find website stuff" etc etc. So i don't really get that. Have a look at your catalog/includes/configure.php and make sure you have SSL set to false and all the urls as htttp NOT httpS and see what happens then.


As for the other question there are a couple of options. You can either integrate the osCom shop into your flash website (no idea how, but it is possible) or just create a completely new website using osCommerce for your sales. You can then add a "view our on-line shop" link to your flash site and vice versa, in the osCom shop add links to your flash site.



A little knowledge is dangerous, I SHOULD KNOW.

If Life Begins At 40, What ends????

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^^^ Yeh that works perfectly now.... im guessing if i go through with an order i won't actually be able to pay right?


Thank you very much for the advice.... i will probebly be posting a lot more... and details of my site when its finished....apprechate the help!

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If you want to do a test purchase and check the shop out completely, you can select the pay by cheque or cash module (anything manual payment) as your payment method. This way it will complete the process as the customer will be sending a cheque and not be paying with any card etc. This will test your e:mails out and update your admin with a sale etc. You will also be able to log-in as a returning customer and check that out aswell.


Good luck


A little knowledge is dangerous, I SHOULD KNOW.

If Life Begins At 40, What ends????

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