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The e-commerce.

I'm seeling for free - please help!


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:blink: Hi guys,


I can't understand what's wrong with my shop... in the catalog admin tool I put in a product X, say for a R1000 as a taxable good, taxable goods = 14%


Anyway, when you go log into the shop - produc X comes up as R0 but when I go view the product in the admin tool ... it's a R1000


Please help me someone - what have I done wrong?



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The Currency in my country is Rands... ie R -in the field I put in 1000 - I've only changed the currency in the admin to South Africa - Rands.


but yes, I place a 1000 (or any amount for that matter) in the amount for the product price, and then when i log in all the products give me a 0 value for the price.




were is this infomation coming from?


you meen you are putin in a amount $ = r1000

and you are geting in the shop front $0?

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Edit includes/languages/english.php. Where you see 'USD' change to whatever the 3 letters are for your currency and your prices should show up.


This happens sometimes when you remove all the languages except one.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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