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The e-commerce.

When is credit card charged?


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I am a web developer and have had a store up for a client for a few months. In searching posts for another issue, I noticed that someone mentioned that the credit cards are not actually charged until the status is changed to "delivered" in the admin panel.


Is this true? Maybe it is my fault for not reading further. If it is, what should I do? No one has mentioned it before.


My client doesn't have access to the admin panel and I have just left everything "pending" and let them mail them.


Please help...I'm freakin' out here!



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what payment module are you using?


if it is the cc module I believe that you or your client has to manual process the orders.


Just throwing out my thoughts,


Billy Z


Well, thank you for writing! I would imagine that if she wasn't getting the money, they would let me know. But, they are using the Innovative payment module that works with Quickbooks. And, maybe you're right...maybe they do punch it in manually. I just saw that post and almost had a heart attack!!!


Does anyone else use the Innovative module that might want to help me out here?



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