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The e-commerce.

Sub Catagories on Pre-made Template


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Hello Folks:


I'm still considering changing my e-commerce site to an osC site. (probably will) Got a question regarding sub catagories.


I will need for customers to click on their desired main catagory on the home page. That will then open a list of sub catagories. The customer will then click on the desired sub catagory where it will open that product page.


If I use a pre-made osC template from someone like templatemonster.com, can subcatagories be added by me in the osC Admin Control Panel? ...or must it be added to the template beforehand?




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Best ask the people at the site where you plan to purchase a template. One thing that should be mentioned here though is once you buy one and use it... it will become very hard if not impossible for people to help you here with any questions you may have.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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Thanks for the response.


I contacted the templatemonster.com support with this question about adding subcatagories. They say:


"we have integrated the script - we don't deal with script modifications - the script is osCommerse 2.2 - we do not know all the functions of the script - script producers know it better"


Whan I ask them how can I ask the producers, they say "ask osCommerce, its their script"


What do you think about this response? Can you help???




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