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The e-commerce.

creditcards in paypal, how to set this up?


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I'm a total newbie on this, and a total newbie on website payments... This is the first time I'm using anything like this, so don't kick me if I'm asking silly questions... (or at least don't kick too hard! :'( )


I have a site for a band, and they want to sell band-merchandise (tshirts, cds ++) on their site. My idea was to use the OsCommerce cart with payments via paypal. I subscribed to paypal's business option, and read that our customers can use creditcards on my site with this sollution.

When I try to configure osCommerce and only have the paypal payment module ON, the shop will only accept the regular payment via paypal (customers need to have paypal accounts).


What should I do to let my customers have the option of 1) use their credit card without signing up at paypal OR 2) signing on their paypal account and pay via their paypal funds? Is there something I can do in the administration module of osCommerce or is this something that has do be done in my paypal account?


Hope I was clear enough in my question...




Knut B.

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