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The e-commerce.

Orders not showing up on admin


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Hi everybody.

It's my first time I'm trying to use a pre-made shopping cart.

I saw this osCommerce and thought why not, it's almost exactly what my customer needs...

now, after a day of the trials, it's working to some level....

(version 2.2ms2)


The problem tho:


the orders now go through, but they dont' show in the admin.

I've checked, they are in the orders table.


here's the query trying to select them:

select count(*) as total from orders o left join orders_total ot on (o.orders_id = ot.orders_id), orders_status s where o.orders_status = s.orders_status_id and s.language_id = '1' and ot.class = 'ot_total'

and it seems the orders_total table is empty.


Now I don't yet know why, but it seems to do something with the


which I've no idea what it should be. (it supposed to be some kind of array but an array of what...?)


anybody has any idea?


Thanks in advance!



some other notes:


first: a class set to null from inside is a nono in php5 :-)

second: I had to fix the neg. limit in queries (mysql 4.1) this probably should be included in the d/l-able

third: I added the eWay contrib module, modified it somewhat, as it was trying to write all returned data into a temp file for some obscure reason.


imho the setup process is a bit misleading; first it seems simple enough, then I need to go into 2 different files and change the values - they did not get written for some reason(?). Plus the ws/fs values are cross-used which makes it a guesswork to do correctly, and a real pain to put in a subdir 2 levels down. (I gave it up finally)

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Thanks for the idea.

It's another day today, and it still does not work (computer obviously restarted)


to be honest I would have been very disturbed if after a restart one table would get written which wasn't before...anyway, thanks.

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got it right

finally I had the time to re-install the whole thing, and now it's ok


seems at first try I did not check (or checked off?) the write config option, and some things just need to be saved which weren't

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