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stopping google image robots


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does anyone know how 2 block the google, etc. image robots. 1 they use alot of bandwidth if u have lots of images and 2 if u have private images they may not remain private

There is a file that specified which all spiders are friendly and sessions are not applicale tot hese.

Just remove google and other spider names from that file.


Satish Mantri

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There is a file that specified which all spiders are friendly and sessions are not applicale tot hese.

Just remove google and other spider names from that file.


Satish Mantri

where do i find that file and will that only remove the image robot or stop all of google? I only want 2 stop the image part

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If you have a robots.txt, add this to it:


User-Agent: Googlebot-Image
Disallow: /


Put this before any User-Agent: * you might have.


spiders.txt for sessions is a different thing entirely, though you do want to do this by enabling "Prevent Spider Sessions" in admin and using an up-to-date spiders.txt, such as the one I link to below.

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If you have a robots.txt, add this to it:


User-Agent: Googlebot-Image
Disallow: /


Put this before any User-Agent: * you might have.


spiders.txt for sessions is a different thing entirely, though you do want to do this by enabling "Prevent Spider Sessions" in admin and using an up-to-date spiders.txt, such as the one I link to below.


:huh: If you do have a robots.txt file, should it be placed in the same directory as the spiders.txt file?

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