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Images instead of Categories?


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Question: In the "Categories" Box, how can I replace the categories (e.g., "hardware" "software") with images?


Reason: I hate the jagged text in the box, and want to replace them with photoshpped 'smooth' text gifs.


Assumption: I recognize that the categories box is a modular infobox; it reflects titles of categories we create in admin.



However, I can't help but feel there should be a way to replace the output text with a corresponding image.

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I believe when you are making your categories you can just enter the html code for the image, instead of typing in the name.


So instead of making a category "Toys"

you would have

<img src="urltopic/imagename.gif">


I think I did that on one site but can't remember for sure now. lol Give it a shot, can't hurt anything.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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I did see this contribution:




which provides images in the category box.


however, i'm also trying to incorporate this into a header menu with the categories (using category tabs contribution).


Basically, I'm trying to combine the tabs ver 1.3 contribution (categories in header) + category_box_images contribution (images to replace text in categories),


I'm trying for the categories in the header, but I dislike the text quality output, and want to replace them with images.

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