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Well, according to the message, Live Shops is under maintenance and any shop submitted during this time will be put on hold until maintenance is over.

I read that but I see new shops being added every day.

Just wondering if there is a problem with my store.

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I was also wondering about this as I have been waiting since, well forever I am sure I submitted my store last year and I still can not see it listed.


Maybe wendyjames could shed some light on this for us.



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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From what I read in another post a few weeks ago, there is a huge backlog of submissions to catch up on and the folks who are checking them are doing it on there own time so it may be a while before you see yours.


Give it time, if everything is OK it will get listed.

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Hi Bob,


Thanks for that, the live stores seems to be so much up in the air at the minute (as with everything else as well).


My site hopefully will be listed because there are many many bad stores on there already (not saying mine is bad mind you!)


I have noticed a lot of stores that are listed have not been grapically modified away from the stock template. Maybe a way to cut down on submissions would be to not allow any sites that just use the stock template.



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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I submitted my store a month and a half ago, and still no listing, and there's no way to tell if you're "on the list" or how far back you are.


I agree that many of the listed shops are little more than the stock install with the logo changed. To be honest, I'm wondering if there's a point to Live Shops at all.

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This must be a prime example of how many of the url's are checked when adding a new store to the live shops listings


How not to do it!


I just think that if there is a shortage of mods to do these things correctly then it should be put out to forum members who are willing to do it and speed things up a bit.


I know I for one would help out, it can only benefit the osc community.



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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