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Payment errors


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Having a bit of a problem with payment.


When a customer adds items to the cart etc the totals are showing correct however, when the user clicks the 'Confirm Order' button, the balance sent to nochex and paypal are both 0.00.


Order confirmation

Sub-Total:  ?8.99

Flat Rate (Best Way):  ?3.00

Total:  ?11.99


on nochex

    Amount: ?0.00

    Order Number: 2-20050825090948

I've spent quite some time searching the forum and cannot see a solution to this. Can someone either prove me wrong, or suggest a solution?


All help greatly appreciated, hopefully without having to delete the start the installation again.


I'm guessing that I'm not seeing the wood because of the trees.


Thanks in advance.

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Is there any chance there is some kind of test mode to prevent any transactions being made that I can check is either on or off somewhere?


Starting to pull my hair out now, Just tried creating a new installation to play with and am finding that despite 755 permissions on the folder I'm having 403 forbidden, So I guess I've got an issue with my host at the moment.


That means I must cure my existing installation, as it's likely to be resolved quicker this way.


Any ideas? All information is greatly appreciated.

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