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Size and quality of product images.


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Thumbs of my products are taken using a digital camera. They are jpg's with a size of 1920 x 2560 px. As you can imagine when they are scaled down to the oscommerce required size, the resulting quality is poor - item details are unclear. Also "click for enlarged image" just opens a window with the same size image in it.

I can't find a recent contribution to help. Has anyone any suggestions?

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There is no required size for osCommerce images. You just have to bear in mind how long your image will take to load on the users page.


What happens is that you set a small image width and height in your osC admin panel and the 'thumb' you see is this size on the screen, but it's actually loaded the full size image to the browser and just declared its size to be smaller. Then, when you 'click to enlarge' you see the full size dimage.


My advice would be to upload images no larger than around 350-400 pixels wide. To speed up delivery of the 'thumbs' you'll need to install on 'on-the-fly' thumbnailer which will load up genuine thumbnail images for the small images and only load the full sized images when people click to enlarge.



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  • 2 months later...
There is no required size for osCommerce images. You just have to bear in mind how long your image will take to load on the users page.


What happens is that you set a small image width and height in your osC admin panel and the 'thumb' you see is this size on the screen, but it's actually loaded the full size image to the browser and just declared its size to be smaller. Then, when you 'click to enlarge' you see the full size dimage.


My advice would be to upload images no larger than around 350-400 pixels wide. To speed up delivery of the 'thumbs' you'll need to install on 'on-the-fly' thumbnailer which will load up genuine thumbnail images for the small images and only load the full sized images when people click to enlarge.




Quote - " admin panel and the 'thumb' you see is this size" - seem to be a misconseption in the osCommerce community about "thumbs"

and "scaled images" , after four days of osCommerce, I have to conclude so far osCommerce does not use thumbs giving it massive load times, one genteman claimed to be taking 1920x2560 resiloutions thumbs , these are not thumbs !! Thumbs will usally range around 25x25 or so to 140x140 or larger , a scaled image is the same megs pixel 1920x2560 just shown in a compact view , still retaining al the large file size attributes. Most any good file manager will automatically create thumbs for you , place them in a thumb directory and also create a web page to view the thumbs collectively linking them to the orginal larger images..

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