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A Few Minor Problems


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Hello, I have had my site up and running for around a month now and there are a couple things still bothering me. This is a link to my site My Webpage (Jock's Nitch)


The first annoyance is concerning the boxes on the front page. They are simple HTML tables, and the problem is the titles of the boxes cannot be centered vertically. Even when I use the HTML code to center the text, it seems like the code is ignored. Is there a simple thing I am overlooking? This is the code used to center text vertically. valign=middle


The second thing is when a user clicks the "log yourself in?" link on the front page, it appears to work fine until the user submits their login information from the login.php page. after the click the "sign in" button, an error page is displayed saying this page cant be found. I was wondering if anybody knew the reason for that.


Thanks very much

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The second thing is when a user clicks the "log yourself in?" link on the front page, it appears to work fine until the user submits their login information from the login.php page.  after the click the "sign in" button, an error page is displayed saying this page cant be found.  I was wondering if anybody knew the reason for that. 


You've got something set wrongly in the configure.php file, probably the cookie settings.


The session id should disappear from the address line after a few clicks.

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)

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Thanks for the help on the config.php problem, I've got that worked out now.


The command to align text is text-align=center or middle.  You can't valign text.




I tried to replace the valign with text-align=center and it did not work. is it okay to use this command in html in the <tr> tag or do i have to use the css stylesheet?


Thanks again

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