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The e-commerce.

Does anyone know where this is??


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I remember see ages ago either a contrib or a piece of code that aligned the tables in the new products (I think) so that everything was in line, ie price/buy now button etc etc.


Can anyone remember where this is or have the code handy so I can apply it to my default_specials and featured_products table.





Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Hi Andrew,


No thats that what I was asking, if you look at the site and in particular the featured products and the special products you will see that the buttons are out of alignment due to the size of the image.


What I am after is a fix for the actual table size that each product is in so that all the buttons are in alignment. I know there is one out there, I just can not remember where it is.



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Hello Mark, you need to setup a little table for each item (if you havent one already) if you see my site the way I manage it, is to specify a fixed height, big enough to fit 3 lines of text, for the product name. In my case that is the last row.


All of this is in the new_products.php (modules directory)

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