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Banner Size


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I want to add a banner at the bottom, but its size is not 468x50, so it doesn't show at the bottom. Is there a way to get it to show any size banner?


In the banner section in admin I created a new group with the size of the new banner, but still nothing??


Thank you :thumbsup:

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Open your includes\footer.php file locate this line of code

if ($banner = tep_banner_exists('dynamic', '468x50')) {


Now you can either modify the code to accept a group of different sizes (like scan the groups stored in the dbase) or just to test, you could replace the 468x50 with the dimensions of your choice.

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Open your includes\footer.php file locate this line of code

if ($banner = tep_banner_exists('dynamic', '468x50')) {


Now you can either modify the code to accept a group of different sizes (like scan the groups stored in the dbase) or just to test, you could replace the 468x50 with the dimensions of your choice.


Thanks enigma1, it's working now :thumbsup:

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