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Images missing when SSL is enabled


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So I got the catalog installed and everything works and looks fine when SSL is dissabled.

However, when I go to any SSL part of the site (the accounts for instance) everything displays except the images.

Could anyone explain what I am missing here? Is there any additional config for the images to appear on SSL?

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Very true



Now, this is a shared hosting server, but they provide a common SSL certificate. So when you open the page don't be surprised to find that the certificate is not 100% perfect (IE reports that the name of the site is not the same as the certificate's pretty much, but aside from that it works if you accept the cert)

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Powerweb has some other method for using the ssl proxy don't they? One that doesn't throw the cert error. Fix that and the other problem will probably be fixed too.


Search here for Powerweb there's tons of questions related to this.

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)

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You are getting the error because in your configure.php files you have them set up for a full ssl e.g. https://www.net506.com, when you are using a shared cert. You'll need to check your PowWeb control panel to see what the actual pathway is, but they use a wildcard ssl cert, so it'll probably be something like https://net506.secure.powweb.com, making your https_cookie_domain something like 'net506.secure.powweb.com'


Set this up right and you won't get that error message - and more importantly your customers won't get it either.



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