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I installed the FEC. Thanks for the fantastic contribution!


I only have one payment method, and no billing adress, only the shipping adress. Therefore I would like to skip the checkout_shipping.php and let the user directly goes to the Checkout_confirmation.php.


However, there are lots of status session checking in the Checkout_confirmation.php, so it keeping through me back to the checkout_shipping.php anyway even I from the shop_cart.php directly go to the Checkout_confirmation.php.


How shall I do? I would like to skip the checkout_shipping.php and let the user directly from shopping_cart.php goes to the Checkout_confirmation.php.




find this thread. is trying it now, and see if this can help me.


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to skip the payment verification checkout_shipping.php, if you only have one payment model,


1) in the checkout_shipping.php


Here it is very important that the form is called 'checkout_address', not 'checkout_payment" as it comes.


<?php echo tep_draw_form('checkout_address', tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING,


then find


<!-- body_text_eof //-->


change to

</table></form><script language="javascript">




<!-- body_text_eof //-->


2) do the same thing with the checkout_payment.php



<!-- body_text_eof //-->


change to

</table></form><script language="javascript">




<!-- body_text_eof //-->


There, the same procedure, just cheating the system, give it a programmed submit the form.




Just install fast easy checkout on top of Ultimate SEO URLs with SSL turned on.

But every time I try and checkout the site kicks me back to the logon page.


If I true SSL off all works fine.

Same if I turn SEO of all works fine.


Has any one else had this problem, if so how was it fixed.


Thanks if you can help.


So I love the potential of this contib. i just need to try and tweak it a bit more to fit into my clients flow. But i think they will like it :)


I am having an issue with the "Get New Total" button. When I click the link the div below is populated. But the checkout_2confirmation.php page is not displayed. The entire site loads in this area. i am using the same code as above, so i am not sure whats going on.


Any help would be great.



Jeff Conklin

I was going through this support forum from page 60 and did not find problem that I am facing.

On the checkout_shipping.php after entering credit card info it take you to confirmation page everything is fine till that point but if try to go back and make a change to the credit info credit card number I still there you can change it but after clicking on continue old value is still there on the confirmation page.

Same thing with CCGV.

Anyone is having the same problems?




Hi you responded with a immediate post that you fixed this issue but you didn't say how. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what you did, I have been fighting with this one for months and nobody has an answer. I can't use any modules that ask for credit card in the cart because if they type it wrong the customer can't go back in change it.


Anybody that knows how to fix this please post it, I am at my wits end!



Thanks! Shell


Hello Out There,

Does anyone know how to resolve the field on create_account3.php where it says "press if delivery address is different than billing address?" First of all, there was no image in the zip file (Im using FEC 3.2 May 4th) and I cant see where to edit/remove it completely.


Thank You

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, I have FEC installed on OsCommerce 2.2-MS2 and I'm experiencing the following problems. I hope somebody can help me as I'm at my wits' end and I feel like tearing my hair out:


in shopping_cart.php

1) upon clicking "checkout" i was directed to create_account3.php. After filling in all the details (regardless if I sign in or not), I got to shopping_cart.php. However, when I clicked "checkout" on shopping_cart.php, it did not lead me to checkout_shipping.php page. No matter how many times I clicked, I still remained on shopping_cart.php. Can someone please help me???!


2) when i close the window and acess the website again, i see "log off" at the header even though i did not create an account nor am signed in.


I sincerely hope that someone will look into this. THANKS!! :) For reference, my site is at http://www.shopreverie.com/index.php.

Hi all, I have FEC installed on OsCommerce 2.2-MS2 and I'm experiencing the following problems. I hope somebody can help me as I'm at my wits' end and I feel like tearing my hair out:


in shopping_cart.php

1) upon clicking "checkout" i was directed to create_account3.php. After filling in all the details (regardless if I sign in or not), I got to shopping_cart.php. However, when I clicked "checkout" on shopping_cart.php, it did not lead me to checkout_shipping.php page. No matter how many times I clicked, I still remained on shopping_cart.php. Can someone please help me???!


2) when i close the window and acess the website again, i see "log off" at the header even though i did not create an account nor am signed in.


I sincerely hope that someone will look into this. THANKS!! :) For reference, my site is at http://www.shopreverie.com/index.php.


Ops, sorry it's http://www.shopreverie.com/catalog/index.php

  • 2 weeks later...
Hi you responded with a immediate post that you fixed this issue but you didn't say how. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what you did, I have been fighting with this one for months and nobody has an answer. I can't use any modules that ask for credit card in the cart because if they type it wrong the customer can't go back in change it.


Anybody that knows how to fix this please post it, I am at my wits end!

Thanks! Shell


I had the same problem. It's to do with the CC Card info not being unregistered from the session when an incorect number is entered. The part of the install you need to get right is :




2-in checkout_confirmation.php

After this line of code require('includes/application_top.php');



ADD this code

//fast easy checkout start

foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $val) {

// print $key.' => '.$val.' - ';print_r($val);echo "<br>";

$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key] = $val;



// first two lines are for ccgv











//fast easy checkout end


also in checkout_confirmation.php you have to unregister all cc info that you enter in the payment forms like i did for authorize-net here

if you do not know the name of the key un comment the print line to see them

if you are using ccgv uncomment the two lines as it says in he code

right before this code around line 67




If you uncomment the print $key line you will see all your cc info that you need to unregister from the session when you complete a test transaction.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,


am using fast easy checkout option 3. Does anyone have instructions how i can force my customers to create an account. I'd like to get rid of the checkbox, where it says "create account" and force users to make an account.




I am using the FEC contribution and it works fine. Both the payment info and the shipping info are listed on the same page.


Quite some customers want to pick up the goods in store and save the shipping costs. Therefor I added that as an option, and paying cash as well. I was recommended to install the contribution Ship2Pay in order to have the cash option only available when people pick up the products.


I implemented Ship2Pay but I cannot get it working correctly in FEC. Does anyone else have experience with this?


I've installed the FEC contribution - and it all seems to work very fine. However one problem seems to occure.


1. Customer buys from the shop - key in his details incl. his email - but doesn't sign up for an account.

2. Customer comes back to buy 2nd time - key in his details incl. his email - this time however an error message with "email already in use" occures.


How can this be avoided ??




Hi All,


am using fast easy checkout option 3. Does anyone have instructions how i can force my customers to create an account. I'd like to get rid of the checkbox, where it says "create account" and force users to make an account.





I can send you my create_account page so you can see how I did what you are looking for.

Okay, fixed the error. I had to use the "Use this if you're having problems with the no password" optional script, which seems to me that it's not so "optional". I also had to comment out the lines related to suburbs on the form_check.js.php page. I don't recall exact line numbers, but in the area of 166, 170, and 186 on form_check.js.php, there's some commentary on suburbs. If you've got that field disabled, it freaks out. In addition, there's a bug in the code for create_account2.php.


I'll be compiling my fixes (and I'll try to tackle that "Get New Total" button) and putting it out there for your amusement this evening. I'll try to make it more complete so that people don't have to hunt down all of those "change this to this" sections, as that's kind of daunting for something that's supposed to be plug and play.



Sorry to be a bother...I really appreciate your work with FEC 3.2 Quicker Install v2.


However, I am trying to use create_account2, and my install still gives the error when you check the 'Check to Use Billing Address' box. Any thoughts??




I added this contribution a couple months ago and am having a problem with when you go to the create account page it give me the "this page contains both secure and nonsecure, do you really want to secure the nonsecure items?" error. I know it has to do with the FEC contribution for this page and I believe it is the javascript for the login box. I need to know how to get rid of this error. you can view the page here.




Also after you log in it gives you another error about being "redirected to to a connection that is not secure........" These errors look terrible and i think scare people. I know that the most pages dont need to be secure but dont know how to get rid of the error. Any help would be really great.

Posted (edited)

Have anyone succesfully made this Fast Easy Checkout work with CRE 6.2, if so can you point me to a noob guide or where to get the files please....


Have tried all day to make it work, simply can't do so, followed the guide and some things just don't make sense, like:

6-in includes/filenames.php change the define of both FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT and FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING to fec_shipping.php


No files is included with that name "fec_shipping.php".....????





to change the create account procedure look on top of checkout_shipping.php and make the changes necessary or change the defenition of FILENAME_CREATE_ACCOUNT in includes/filenames.php


first choice removes the create account option totaly from this stage

second choice combines login. and optional create an account

third choice combines login. and optional create an account

also on top of each create account page

uncomment the line based on which file you want to use

// tep_redirect(tep_href_link('create_account1.php', '', 'SSL'));

// tep_redirect(tep_href_link('create_account2.php', '', 'SSL'));

// tep_redirect(tep_href_link('create_account3.php', '', 'SSL'));


"change the defenition" how and what to write.....?


where to put the code "// tep_redirect(tep_href_link('create_accountx.php', '', 'SSL'));"....?


Really hoping for some details of getting it to work with CRE 6.2, it would just make it so much easier and faster for costumers :)...

Edited by wils

When the Country ented does not match the zone list i get this error


"Error Please select a county/state from the County/State pull down menu."


but there is on menu.


Im using create_account1.php


does anyone know how to make this work out or if not remove the error.






Hi noobie here, am considering building a new oscommerce site. can this contrib be used with the paypal web site payments pro contrib? I need (well, want really...)to use both concurrently


TIA for the help.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've recently installed this contribution alongside Paypal IPN. Since installing it, the Paypal IPN module is no longer updating the order status to Pending after returning to my store. I've searched through this thread and the Paypal IPN one and found several references to similar problems but no solutions.


Does anyone have any ideas about which files might be causing the problem?

Sorry to be a bother...I really appreciate your work with FEC 3.2 Quicker Install v2.


However, I am trying to use create_account2, and my install still gives the error when you check the 'Check to Use Billing Address' box. Any thoughts??





Hi. There was a problem with the if statement that checked to see if you have suburubs disabled in the admin. Unfortunately if you did, the city box wouldn't show on the create_account2.php page for the shipping address. I posted detailed instructions about the fix in the contribution.






Is there anyway on the create_account.php page to get rid of the shipping details totally as I only shop to the cardholders address? Is there a quick way of removing these fields without screwing the code and the rest of the checkout process? thanks in advance.






P.S. These fields...


Shipping Address:


First Name: *

Last Name: *

House/Flat Number and Street Name: *

Post Code: *

Town/City: *

Country: Please


Please can someone help me wit the below?




Hi All,


am using fast easy checkout option 3. Does anyone have instructions how i can force my customers to create an account. I'd like to get rid of the checkbox, where it says "create account" and force users to make an account.




Hi there,


has anyone cleaned up the tables in create_account2?


They are quite a mess and if you add any of the columns back in the appear of the page :'(


I was going to have a go at it but thought I would ask in case anyone has already done so?






going back to a post mAde in 2005 (!)


in checkout_confirmation.php


you need to change the code to this


//fast easy checkout start

foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $val) {

//print $key.' => '.$val.' - ';print_r($val);echo "<br>";

$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key] = $val;



// first two lines are for ccgv




// following 2 lines added by Ed to sort CCGV problem












//fast easy checkout end


hello ronnie, were you able to fix error with regards to ccgv, can you please copy your checkout_shipping.php


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