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Hi there, thanks for this this great mod, will be a huge improvement when i get it fully running


Unfortunately at the moment i see to have a problem with the checkout_shipping.php.


I have followed the instructions to the letter however it seems that the checkout becomes permanently stuck in a loop on the Payment Information screen.


Im using the paypal_IPN module, is that the reason?


Any help would be most appreciated


Many thanks



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Hi, all.


I've installed fec 3.2 and everything is working so far except that I can't get the discount coupon to appear on checkout_shipping.php. I've uncommented everything that I was supposed to (I think), but it still is not appearing.


Can anyone share how they got their's to work? I'm running on CRELoaded 6.15.






Hi there, thanks for this this great mod, will be a huge improvement when i get it fully running


Unfortunately at the moment i see to have a problem with the checkout_shipping.php.


I have followed the instructions to the letter however it seems that the checkout becomes permanently stuck in a loop on the Payment Information screen.


Im using the paypal_IPN module, is that the reason?


Any help would be most appreciated


Many thanks




*bump* :)

Does anyone know if it would be possible to add an Order Comment box to checkout_shipping.php? I compared the code and it is so different I wouldn't know where to start. I need a comment box for certain orders.





I would still like to know the answer to this question, and if it is actually possible.




Have installed FEC and it is working great for the combined checkout pages.


I moved on to combing the Logon and Create account Page.


I didnt do step 4 in the instructions as I believe this is only to give the PWA option, I dont want this.

I always want an account created for my store.


When I go through the process I can create an account without a problem:





Although when I come back for the second time the logon part does not work at all?


Was some kind of problem to do with the 'invisible' use of the logon.php file, when I changed the filenames to use the original logon.php things where okay and just hard coded my site to use create_account1.php from menus and links so its a bit of a work around but functional which is whats needed, will come back to it later to try and tidy the code up and when there isnt a massive deadline to achieve, better working than perfect :-)


Posted (edited)

Hi nana & everybody,

Thank nana for this great contribution. I followed the instruction to install fec 3.2 strictly but got stuck with the following problem:


When I check out without an account, the content of the checkout page is empty (it shows logos and other options). The link shows: www.my-site.com/catalog/create_account1.php


When I checkout with a registered account, the checkout page is still empty (same as checkout without an account). This time, the link shows: www.my-site.com/catalog/checkout_shipping.php


I has been checking back and forth for days now. :'( Could anybody help me out? Thank you very very very much!

Edited by macamos

Sorry this is a full question.


In contribution 3.2, part 1 of the fix this change:


6-in includes/filenames.php change the define of both FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT and FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING to fec_shipping.php



But I could not see the file fec_shipping.php anywhere. Can anybody please tell me?


Thank a bunch.




I found elsewhere that fec_shipping.php is what it WAS going to be called, but it is just a different version of checkout_shipping.php now - so name them both checkout_shipping.php and this step is completed (I had the same question and spent about 12 hours digging for it).


I've been reading for hours over that last couple days and can't find the answer to my problem.


I have a fresh install and have added CCGV(trad) and FEC3.2, and at this point I have everything working except one problem. From checkout_shipping.php no matter if I select a payment method or not, when I go to the checkout_confirmation.php page I have no Payment medthod listed. I uncommented the

print $key.' => '.$val.' - ';print_r($val);echo "<br>";

live and see that when I select a payment method it is passing it through, yet it never shows up. Then when I click Confirm Order it just goes to the checkout_success.php page and not the correct page for the method of payment I've selected. I've tried it with 2checkout, paypal, and check/money order with the same results.


I'm stumped! :'( If anyone could help I would appreciate it.


I uncommented the Comments area as well and it too is not passing information. I looked at the invoice in admin and neither the payment method nor the comments are in the invoice.


My web address is www.nonguns.com/catalog in case anyone is willing to take a look and help me resolve this.


OK - I added:

// if we have been here before and are coming back get rid of the credit covers variable
if(tep_session_is_registered('credit_covers')) tep_session_unregister('credit_covers');  //CCGV


  $total_count = $cart->count_contents_virtual(); // CCGV

to my checkout_shipping.php file and I'm getting the comments to pass through, but the payment method still is not.


I was also messing around with the order that the boxes display in and found the line that reads

<td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>

I didn't want the line above the Shipping Method so I removed it. It had no effect. So I started messing around with it and put 4 of these lines of code in a row, it had no effect. Now I'm not sure what the code does (although I thought I knew) and if this is a small clue reguarding what is not working in the code reguarding my true issue of the payment method not displaying.


I'm only more confused then I was before.


I also notice if I enter a coupon code and click Redeem, it sends me to the checkout_confirmation.php page rather then having the oportunity to select a payment method (the coupon code does work).


I'm just trying to add pieces to the puzzle in hopes that someone will help.


My site is not live so long as the osCommerce logo is at the top of the page, so until it changes -- test away.


i have not been around for a while and i really do not have anytime to help out right now but i would like to know what is the security problem that everyone is talking about

and here is a free pr3 link for you just add the .


also i have added a drawing to my site see if you like it my pizza store


Here's a question...


On FEC, I don't like that the user has to type in the state. Are they supposed to type in the abbreviation or the whole thing. What happens if they don't know the abbrv or has a typo in the state name?


Does anyone know a way to change the state field?


I sure hope so!





Hi, Great Contribution!


I've checked through all the replies in this thread, but I can't find a way to safely get rid of the "get new total" button.


Can anyone help?


Thanks in advance.



Hi, Great Contribution!


I've checked through all the replies in this thread, but I can't find a way to safely get rid of the "get new total" button.


Can anyone help?


Thanks in advance.




Nevermind. I figured it out. msg me if anyone has the same concern and I'll do my best to walk you through it.

  • 2 weeks later...

I just installed the latest FEC pack....


This is an EXCELLENT contribution! It does everything that I need...only one small problem: I am missing two of the button images using create_account2.php...


The images I'm missing seem to be






Is there somewhere that I can get these images?

Posted (edited)

Warning: main(includes/languages/english/fec_shipping.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/htdocs/checkout_shipping.php on line 206


Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/languages/english/fec_shipping.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/htdocs/checkout_shipping.php on line 206


What is this mean?

Edited by expertuser
I just installed the latest FEC pack....


This is an EXCELLENT contribution! It does everything that I need...only one small problem: I am missing two of the button images using create_account2.php...


The images I'm missing seem to be






Is there somewhere that I can get these images?



I just changed the names to buttons I already had.


Hello nana,


I have a question, Im not sure if register_globals is an issue or not with this contrib however when they was on everything worked and now the only thing that I see that dont work is the "update total" but when using UPS shipping I think it may lay within this chunk of code but not sure. I dont know anything about ajax. I hope you would know. If you wish to see what I am reffering to the site is in my profile.


<!--//document.write('<input type=button class="button" value=" Get New Total" onclick="ajaxLoader(\'checkout_2confirmation.php?tip=\'+ checkout_payment.tip.value+\'&gc=\'+checkout_payment.gv_redeem_code.value+\'&cb=\'+submitter+\'&zship=\'+zhipper+\'&osCsid=\'+Csid,\'contentLYR\')" name="CLEARBUTTON">'); //-->


Thanks Eric

Posted (edited)

Hi :o


First, I'd like to say I don't know as much as all of you out there :thumbsup:


I've installed this contribution.



I followed the steps for NEW install. It is divided into 2 parts (as you all know):


1- part one deals with combining the checkout_payment.php and checkout_shipping.php and reducing one step in checkout


2-(I DIDN'T INSTALL THIS YET) The second part of contribution creates two different approach to account creation

A-Removes The necessity to create an account totally before purchase

B-Makes creating account optional



Now - I went through the steps on part 1 and step number 6 says to:

6-in includes/filenames.php change the define of both FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT and FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING to fec_shipping.php



So I did the following:


define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT', 'checkout_payment.php');


changed to ----> define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT', 'fec_shipping.php');








define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING', 'checkout_shipping.php');


changed to --> define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING', 'fec_shipping.php');







Not Found

The requested URL /shop/fec_shipping.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.



THE PROBLEM I THINK IS THAT I DON'T HAVE the 'fec_shipping.php' file. It wasn't included in the download and the instructions do not say I should create one.


Would anyone please know what I have to do?



Thanks a million! :thumbsup:




Jan :(




PS: Also - in step #2 It says:


also in checkout_confirmation.php you have to unregister all cc info that you enter in the payment forms like i did for authorize-net here

if you do not know the name of the key un comment the print line to see them

if you are using ccgv uncomment the two lines as it says in he code

right before this code around line 67



if ( ( is_array($payment_modules->modules) && (sizeof($payment_modules->modules) > 1) && !is_object($$payment) ) || (is_object($$payment) && ($$payment->enabled == false)) ) {

tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, 'error_message=' . urlencode(ERROR_NO_PAYMENT_MODULE_SELECTED), 'SSL'));







/// fec for get total

$paynow = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_GET_VARS['paynow']);

if ($paynow ==3) {

tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, 'show_total=1&error_message=' . urlencode(ERROR_TOTAL_NOW), 'SSL'));





Edited by romantix


I'm getting an error on this page of my setup with Fast Easy Checkout:



Any idea what might be causing this - the page SEEMS to work otherwise, but there shouldn't be any errors...


Thanks in advance,


Mike Morrison


The error is an object expected error from the browser not processing the javascipt for global.js , I have post a simple fix for this on the contribute page http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,3469

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