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fast easy checkout


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Hello Frank!


What I want to do is that the customer will be able to purchase without having the possibility to create an account or log in. There should be no way to log in or log off.


And I would like to have payment address, shipping address, shipping notes and payment method all on one page.


I had installed PWA 0.82 with patch files from 18 Aug 2005.


Here is the link to the shop - it is still under construction.




Okay, and here is the includes/filenames.php:


 $Id: filenames.php,v 1.4 2003/06/11 17:38:00 hpdl Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

// define the filenames used in the project
 define('FILENAME_ACCOUNT', 'account.php');
 define('FILENAME_ACCOUNT_EDIT', 'account_edit.php');
 define('FILENAME_ACCOUNT_HISTORY', 'account_history.php');
 define('FILENAME_ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO', 'account_history_info.php');
 define('FILENAME_ACCOUNT_NEWSLETTERS', 'account_newsletters.php');
 define('FILENAME_ACCOUNT_NOTIFICATIONS', 'account_notifications.php');
 define('FILENAME_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD', 'account_password.php');
 define('FILENAME_ADDRESS_BOOK', 'address_book.php');
 define('FILENAME_ADDRESS_BOOK_PROCESS', 'address_book_process.php');
 define('FILENAME_ADVANCED_SEARCH', 'advanced_search.php');
 define('FILENAME_ADVANCED_SEARCH_RESULT', 'advanced_search_result.php');
 define('FILENAME_ALSO_PURCHASED_PRODUCTS', 'also_purchased_products.php');
 define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_CONFIRMATION', 'checkout_confirmation.php');
 define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT', 'checkout_payment.php');
 define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_ADDRESS', 'checkout_payment_address.php');
 define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS', 'checkout_process.php');
 define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING', 'checkout_shipping.php');
 define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_ADDRESS', 'checkout_shipping_address.php');
 define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SUCCESS', 'checkout_success.php');
 define('FILENAME_CONTACT_US', 'contact_us.php');
 define('FILENAME_CONDITIONS', 'conditions.php');
 define('FILENAME_COOKIE_USAGE', 'cookie_usage.php');
 define('FILENAME_CREATE_ACCOUNT', 'create_account.php');
 define('FILENAME_CREATE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS', 'create_account_success.php');
 define('FILENAME_DEFAULT', 'index.php');
 define('FILENAME_DOWNLOAD', 'download.php');
 define('FILENAME_INFO_SHOPPING_CART', 'info_shopping_cart.php');
 // imprint page
 define('FILENAME_IMPRINT', 'imprint.php');
 define('FILENAME_LOGIN', 'login.php');
 define('FILENAME_LOGOFF', 'logoff.php');
 define('FILENAME_NEW_PRODUCTS', 'new_products.php');
 define('FILENAME_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN', 'password_forgotten.php');
 define('FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE', 'popup_image.php');
 define('FILENAME_POPUP_SEARCH_HELP', 'popup_search_help.php');
 define('FILENAME_PRIVACY', 'privacy.php');
 define('FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO', 'product_info.php');
 define('FILENAME_PRODUCT_LISTING', 'product_listing.php');
 define('FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS', 'product_reviews.php');
 define('FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS_INFO', 'product_reviews_info.php');
 define('FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS_WRITE', 'product_reviews_write.php');
 define('FILENAME_PRODUCTS_NEW', 'products_new.php');
 define('FILENAME_REDIRECT', 'redirect.php');
 define('FILENAME_REVIEWS', 'reviews.php');
 define('FILENAME_SHIPPING', 'shipping.php');
 define('FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART', 'shopping_cart.php');
 define('FILENAME_SPECIALS', 'specials.php');
 define('FILENAME_SSL_CHECK', 'ssl_check.php');
 define('FILENAME_TELL_A_FRIEND', 'tell_a_friend.php');
 define('FILENAME_UPCOMING_PRODUCTS', 'upcoming_products.php');

// FAX order
 define('FILENAME_FAX_FORMULAR', 'fax_bestellung.php');

// new box for products in categorie top

// Fax order form
 define('FILENAME_FAX_BESTELLUNG', 'fax_bestellung.php');


I will be grateful for help! Thanks!


Bye, HW


btw, this is a German shop, so as soon as I have completed the language files, you can add a German version to your contrib if you like.

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Frank, I have a small suggestion that might make things clearer in your installation instructions.


I have only installed the second part of your contrib. When I got to last step (Step 5) of your instructions for part 2, I was unsure where to make the change. Here is my suggestion:




This step allows you to choose your checkout method. Follow A or B depending on your installation.


A. If you have installed the first AND second part of this contribution:


---- Frank, insert the existing step five instructions here ----


B. If you have installed ONLY the second part of this contribution:


in checkout_shipping.php (around line 17) CHANGE


  if (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {
tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));




//fast easy checkout start
if (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {

//---- Choose one option below and comment out the other
//---- OPTION 1. skip account create option entirely (purchase without account)
tep_redirect(tep_href_link('create_account3.php', '', 'SSL'));
//---- OPTION 2. give customer option of creating account or not
// tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CREATE_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL'));

//fast easy checkout end



I hope this helps.

Edited by nassoit
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Frank, you're amazing! I've been begging for this for nearly a year and you're already working on it in just hours! I'll build a dev version of my store; probably tomorrow. There are lots of things I want to do/clean up on my store before launching the new order season in December. This will be a huge help!

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Alexander removing all account related links and login and logoff requires to almost do the 20 changes in my instruction over again also you must think where you want to logoff. maybe not visable but it must logoff to be safe

all those changes were to reflect that maybe customer does not want to create an account. it even let them create an account after the purchase which i thought would remove all negative aspect of account and keep all positive values but if you are willing to make all changes i will make another instruction within a couple of days.


peter thanks i will change this in the next version.


dan i already can make most of the necessary changes to move this contribution to checkout. do you want this info to be available in email or just in admin section is enough.


darren i really have not used the bts or sts but i would imagine that it would require you to make changes to incorporate the template for all new files

i would say you have to probably change about 10 files two for each new file. if you understand how bts works it should not be so difficult otherwise it would be a chalange i guess

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Thanks for the quick reply, I am using Milestone 2 PayPal IPN Payment Module v1.1 by Harald Ponce de Leon, Mark Evans


I have had some issues with that contrib so I'd love a suggestion for a replacement. I think that the problem with the e-mail not being generated was caused because the buyer didn't return to my store after checking out through PayPal. COD works just fine so its either a problem with the IPN contrib, not returning to the checkout_success page, or this contrib. PayPal didn't return the verify string for the purchase even though the payment was a success. Could this be caused by your contrib?





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if you have not made any changes to the ipn file then this is not caused by my contribution.

check the status of the order to see if you have recived the ipn

i used this ipn when it came out but did not have a lot of luck with it at the time all it did was entered the order in the db

i will take a quick look at that ipn and will get back to you

let me know if you have made any changes to any of the ipn files




dan i think i finished with the changes. it was not that difficult but i have not put this info in the email

ofcourse it is not ready for a contribution since it is hobzillas contribution and i just changed it a bit but let me know when you are ready and i will give you the changes that i have made. after all testing then i will try to make it into a contribution with a couple of extra fields and so on

Edited by nana
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dan i already can make most of the necessary changes to move this contribution to checkout. do you want this info to be available in email or just in admin section is enough.

Thanks, Frank! I'll be using it for a customer requested shipping date, so e-mail confirmation of orders should show the results of the input. Near the shipping address or their comments would be best.

I've just finished copying the store to another domain. I had to disable ssl on it since I don't have one for that, but everything appears to be working. I'll start adding the Contribs next.

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if you have not made any changes to the ipn file then this is not caused by my contribution.

check the status of the order to see if you have recived the ipn

i used this ipn when it came out but did not have a lot of luck with it at the time all it did was entered the order in the db

i will take a quick look at that ipn and will get back to you

let me know if you have made any changes to any of the ipn files


I haven't made any changes to that file so I'm betting that it was just one of "those" things. I have since set PayPal to autoreturn to the checkout_success page in the hopes that my problems will be solved. Love your contrib and thanks for your help.



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Just received an order as I was typing the last message and it didn't create the e-mail. Here are the last steps that the customer took:


19:06:56 Order Confirmation /osCommerce/catalog/checkout_confirmation.php


19:06:16 Payment Information /osCommerce/catalog/checkout_shipping.php


19:06:11 Your Account Has Been Created! /osCommerce/catalog/create_account_success.php


Does the e-mail generate from checkout_confirmation.php or checkout_shipping.php and does the PayPal IPN interact with checkout_shipping.php at all?





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I think I have good news, it appears that over the last day or so a few people have had a problem receiving the IPN from PayPal. It just happened to be inbetween a successful order on my site before installing your contrib and my fist bum order. Thanks for your time.



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as far as i know the sale is processed in checkout_confirmation.php the information is either sent to checkout_process.php if it is cod and to paypal if it is paypal

i looked at this module and it looks like it only updates the status when the ipn is sent back from paypal and it looks like it is sending the email before the ipn is recived i do not know if it is sending it from its own page or from checkout_process,php

you can revert to your old checkout_process,php

the only modification here is to send the secondchance create account info instead of the link to order_id

this link will not work but this is the only place the problem might be if it is from my contribution.

i will take a look at this and will get back to you tommorow

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to narrow the problem if it exist

in paypal_ipn.php

around line 505


 tep_mail('', SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO, EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, 'this is to test if i get to here this is coming from ipn ', STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);

// lets start with the email confirmation

right before


// lets start with the email confirmation


in checkout process,php

add around line222

 tep_mail('', SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO, EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, 'this is to test if i get to here this is coming from checkot_process.php ', STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);

right before

// lets start with the email confirmation


// lets start with the email confirmation[/code]

make sure you have put your email in the admin to recive extra emails of the order from shop

and we will find out where the email is generated for sure you should recive the debug email


dan i remember your original request people suggested you to use attributes it made me think about it then i used to have a yahoo store which had this feature

any how the email is done also

i will get my thought together to make a simple install this is the hardest thing to do !!

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dan that should not be so difficult if you want to look at how it works try http://seelily.com/store

Yes, I just ran a couple of orders through seelily. That looks perfect! I've added the first contrib and I will add yours as well as the patch in the morning. I'm ready for your special instructions any time. I'll save them for last unless they supercede installation of your contrib and patch.

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go ahead and add mine atleast part one and the patch i will upload post the rest tom for you it is not very complicated at all

OK, thanks. I'm getting a little fuzzy. It's probably best if I wait until morning.

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Hello Frank!


I do not intend to cause you a lot of additional work. Of course, you can help me with the changes in the 20 pages, that would be very nice. But would it also do if I just commented out all log in/log off links and related links? Then you would not have that much work. Or is that a bad idea?


How does it come that the payment/shipping address is on another page than the shipping notice and payment method? As soon as you allow customers to create an account (and comment out the tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CREATE_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL')); there is the shipping/payment combo. But without the option to create an account, that combo is gone.


Okay, here are the things I need to change. And if you could help me with any of those, I would be very grateful although I know that it might cost you a lot of time, so just do it if you feel like.


1. payment/shipping combo with account as well as without account

2. sometimes PayPal is listed in the payment method although just invoice is selected in the admin (a bug?)

3. hide or delete the option to create an account at the shipping_success and replace it by a next-button toward the catalog home

4. hide or delete log in and log off buttons in breadcrumb as soon as the account creating possibility is switched off.

5. and some details: How can I add required gender selection on the payment address form? And hide or delete newsletter-option?


Okay, that is all for now, I think. :rolleyes:


Thanks! Bye, Harry Wotton (Alexander)

Edited by harrywotton
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alexander yes you can just comment out what you do not want

there are two create_account models

one is more like the standard osc file with options for creating an account

second one is so the customer does not to know about the account here and he is just checking out. so he is just entering his shipping address and billing address. you must uncomment create_account3.php

if you follow the first create account your checkout combo is more like the original with addresses on top and the address box is also available if you login


if you follow the second create an account then the address box is not needed since customer can enter both addresses and this way i keep this page cleaner.

this is done by an if statment so you can remove that if you want the address box

1- i do not understand

2-try installing and uninstalling the module from admin

3-comment out the redirect to create_account_new.php at the first few lines of checkout_success.php

4-you can comment them out in the header navigation

5-you have to add the field i think validation and the sql is already available look in the create_account.php and copy the same thing to create_account3.php

i hope this helps

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Thank you for your help, Frank!


Some things work now, but others won't work. I think I am too much beginner for this.


How can I change the link in the breadcrumb that says "create an account" (on the left, next to "online shop" or "catalog" in the default), for this link brings the customer to a account creating page even if account creating should be disabled. can I just replace the link by checkout_shipping.php?


The order history is shown in the right box even if the customer has no account. and after purchasing, his address in the cache, so he cannot enter a new address. he must close the browser first. how can I change this? does the customer has to log off even if he has no account?


what do I have to change (an if statement? where?) to get that other checkout process (with payment address next to shipping address and below payment method and delivery costs, all displayed on one page), when I have creating accounts disabled?


Or shall I better re-install the PWA and then add only your install shipping payment combo without installing the entire contrib?



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Hi all,

When a customer order compete, there is an email to store owner (and also to customer). I think there is a bit inconvenience here: the email "Order process" to owner store doesn't have the email adress of customer. I have to go to admin pages -> customer and find the customer to reply him/her.

It is easy for me (and all of OS user) if the email "order process" is sent from customer's email (of course, the email "order process" to customer is sent from the store owner). Then, we just click reply to contact with the customer and vice versa, customers too.

I think, we have to 2 mail function while checkout processing, one to customer (sent from store owner) and one to us (sent from customer's email adress).


Or at least, in "order process" email, we should include customer's adress.


{ I aslo want to include IP address of customer )


Please give me an advice,

thanks a lot.

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harry john have you tried adding it from admin section also do a search in the forum on how to add those info to email

alexander customer has to logoff even when he does not have account unless you want to add an automatic logoff

How can I change the link in the breadcrumb that says "create an account" (on the left, next to "online shop" or "catalog" in the default), for this link brings the customer to a account creating page even if account creating should be disabled. can I just replace the link by checkout_shipping.php?

in the create_account3.php


   $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE, tep_href_link(FILENAME_CREATE_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL'));

toanything you want also you have to change it in the language files

this might solve your problem

what do I have to change (an if statement? where?) to get that other checkout process (with payment address next to shipping address and below payment method and delivery costs, all displayed on one page), when I have creating accounts disabled?
in checkout_shipping.php around line 346
  if (!tep_session_is_registered('registered_now')) {

and closing bracket in line 392 have to be commented out

in inclused/column_left.php or includes/column_right.php and comment out the account history box

but if you do not want an account atall and the pwa worked for you you can just use the part one and go back to pwa an

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Hello Frank!


Thanks a lot for your help. I have tried to go back to PWA but noticed that the payment/shipping combo only works if the customer has an account, for it gets the entries from the sql and is not a form to make new entries. So again, I have my problem. The best thing would be the PWA but with a checkout all on one page, exactly as it is in your contrib when customers are logged in. But I need it without being logged in, so it should be a form, where the customer can put his data into.


I am thinking of the PWA, but on the first page you should be able to enter your payment address as well as your shipping address and you can choose the payment method and see the delivery costs (and write a comment in the textarea). all on the first page. then the next page would be the confirmation page to check for wrong entries, and then the page after that would be checkout successful. that would be the perfect way.


I know that I have quite a specialized wish. Maybe is will be possible to realize!?



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alexander can you tell me exactly what you are looking for.

please give me the address of the file and what you want it to do

i will try to see what i can do in a couple of days i offered that but you said you are going to try to do this yourself

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for all those people that were intrested to know if it works with bts

the answer is YES

it is a bit more complecated to implement i just finished a basic install of of create_account and the checkout_shipping.php

without all modification to other pages i will try to document the changes in a week or so


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