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Change Font Size and Indentation


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Want to change the Product categories font and size listed in "Categories" box. This is to make the product categories more visible on the site AND al to make subcategories better formated. also, want to increase the product categories in between spacing.


Where is the parameter defined. I looked at the stylesheet but did not find one.



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All of the infoboxes are the same and they are in the stylesheet. To treat one box differently than the others you can install one of the several contributions that do this.


Otherwise a lot of code to change on your own.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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I understand how to change the box size. how to change the font size of the names of product category (Not the heading, the actual product categories with the category box).


Thanks for your response.


All of the infoboxes are the same and they are in the stylesheet. To treat one box differently than the others you can install one of the several contributions that do this.


Otherwise a lot of code to change on your own.

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