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"not protected by a Secure SSL connection"???


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I am new...

Installed the whole thing today, and noticed that in my control panel (left bottom) it says "you are not protected by a Secure SSL connection" and shows an "unlocked"-icon. I also notice that if I go to the correct url, I can enter the configuration panel of my shop as easy as if it were just another website. Anyone can mess it up and steal my info if it stays this way. I guess I have forgotten something in my configuration. Any ideas what I have done wrong? How can I secure my shop?



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suggest you read thru the knowledge base, lots explained there about how to protect the site. do you have your own ssl certificate?

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Well, if you read the text on your homepage it tells you that the 'admin' panel is not protected and advises you to do that.


The first thing to do is to FTP to your site, rename the admin folder to something unique. Then, in admin/includes/configure.php there will be one or two (depending on whether it's an automated or manual install) pathways including /admin/ which you need to change to /newname/


Once you've done that go to your web hosting control panel and use its password protection feature to password protect the renamed admin folder.


You won't get the locked icon without having an ssl cert, either shared or full, and configuring the admin/includes/configure.php file to take account of it.



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  • 1 year later...

I don't get it...... I renamed my folder, went to config, set permissions to 777 and changed the ADMIN X 2 to my name, made sure the SSL part was set to TRUE, saved it, changed back the permissions to 444 went into my server side and gave that new folder a new name and password, reset my browser and I still have the not protected icon. I have a SSL cert from geotrust so that's not the problem.


Any ideas what I did wrong?



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