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The e-commerce.

database reistall how to?


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osc will be the death of me!!!


Can anyone help me?


I've backed up my database on to my pc, have reinstall osc from scratch and now want to add my database of products.


have gone to database backup and tried to install my file but nothing happens. what i'm i doing wrong?

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Personally I wouldn't even try to do this kind of thing from within osCommerce. Whether you are using a hosting company or have Xamp running on your PC. Use MySqlAdmin, dump the database that has the products then import it onto your new database, again using MySqlAdmin.


Whether you do just use the inserts for the data or also use the drop and create tables depends if you've changed anything. Again I thnk its best to drop the whole db, recreate and insert the data.



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Personally I wouldn't even try to do this kind of thing from within osCommerce. Whether you are using a hosting company or have Xamp running on your PC. Use MySqlAdmin, dump the database that has the products then import it onto your new database, again using MySqlAdmin.


Whether you do just use the inserts for the data or also use the drop and create tables depends if you've changed anything. Again I thnk its best to drop the whole db, recreate and insert the data.





thanks i'll give it a go

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