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The e-commerce.

Email problem


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Hi all and great forum.


I found this system when searching for a good and cheap webstoresystem to start a business with.

Now I am overwelming about how competent and well developed it is.


But I have now searched the forum and tried to understand how email works


I have a Windows XP Pro Swedish (just for test, to be Windows Server 2003)

Installed XAMMP Full installation 1.4.15

Installed osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2


I got the catalog, mysql and admin running, following the installationguide.


I have config the php.ini with:

SMTP = smtp.myisp.net (tried ipadress)

smtp_port = 25

sendmail_from = [email protected]

uncomment extension=php_smtp.dll (I dont know if I should, but it did make sense at the time)


When I send a email from admin/mail.php I dont get any error messages. It just say Email send to ....!

But it doesnt work.


Then I started Mercury.

This program drives my crazy. Its darn complex and I dont find the settings I want. Well... Just when I typed this I got Mercury running, as a relay to my ISP.


But what I dont understand is how can I send email directly to my ISPs smtp without Mercury. I did write my ISPs smpt in php.ini, not localhost, should it try to contact my ISP directly?


I have read something about Mail::factory is that anything that could help me?

It seems to be good for authorization issues, but maybe it vould help me too?

If so, where do I get it?


Hoping for help


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osCommerce is set up to run mail via 'localhost' and not to relay mail via an outside address. Your ISP would be likely to block all such mail anyway, as otherwise spammers/hackers could use their mail servers to send out tons of garbage/malicious code.



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