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Cannot add more than 1 product to basket


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I have some customers who complains that they are unable to add extra products to their baskets. With me it works fine, and I can add as many as I please.


When asking the customers about the error, they tell that they do not get any error messages. But they then make two or three orders which I have to manually consolidate afterwards :(


Does anyone what could cause this problem?



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As previous reply, problem is probably that customers are entering a quantity in the shopping cart then clicking the checkout botton.


To help avoid this issue, you could add some javascript to shopping_cart.php to do an onchange (you'd have to work out which on_ event is best in this instance) event to automatically add quantities if anything is input to the quantity fields. I'm not sure is anyones done a contribution for this - but it wouldn't be hard to develop if not - there's lots of non osC examples of how to do this out there.


But I'd suggest even better add a qty input field or drop down to the main product display page as per http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1253

and this one add a qty to the product listing http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2147


Of course, the most customer friendly solution is do all 3 !!



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