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The e-commerce.

how can i use SSL when my https director...


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i need help.


my web hosting company has 2 directories for web pages & other content. one is for regular stuff. the other one is for SSL web pages.


I installed the oscommerce under the non-ssl directory. during installation i enabled SSL support because the customers will require it to buy with confidence.


the problem, when i click on "checkout", the link expects to find the checkout_shippin.php page in the SSL enabled folder. i can place it there and modify the include links in that file, but then i get other errors, that so and so file is in the wrong directory.


what can or should i do to fix this without having to modify a bunch of links in a bunch of files?





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You have to duplicate all of the folders/files in the ssl folder.


Either that - or get your hosting company to install a symbolic link between the https and http docs folders.



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