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Hide admin for public


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Hello guys.

I cant figure out how to do it.


For example my site is :




If i change it to




EVERYONE even the public can go to my admin stuff and change or break stuff.

How can i change this so only MY SELF can use / enter this section?


I hope someone can plz help me quickly!


Sincerely, Angelo

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Put a .htaccess file in your admin folder and in addition I have changed all the server settings in admin/includes/configure.php to the secure addrees that you can get probably from your ISP support site.



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Thank you very much for your quick response.

But I dont know anything about coding... (php in this case).

.htaccess I already have, but I dont know what to do further... what to put in .htaccess and so on....


.htaccess is in the admin map... but then how do I make it access only for me?

so public cannot enter it or change anything or whatever.


Sincerely, Angelo

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Thank you very much for your quick response.

But I dont know anything about coding... (php in this case).

.htaccess I already have, but I dont know what to do further... what to put in .htaccess and so on....


.htaccess is in the admin map... but then how do I make it access only for me?

so public cannot enter it or change anything or whatever.


Sincerely, Angelo



What I mean is, if I change the folder name (admin to for example MYNAME) then I can enter it BUT when i click on a link it gives error because the links are not right anymore... :'(

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In addition to changing the name of the admin folder you also have to change the two references ot it in admin/includes/configure.php.


You need to change /admin/ to /newname/



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