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The e-commerce.

How does my site feel?


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(Live site:

If you want to place a test order use CC number 4111111111111111 obviously not Nochex.)


I have put a site together selling prescription glasses in the UK.

I would be interested in how spectacle wearers find the order process, is it simple enough?

Do certain areas need more explanation?

There are many more products to add, should I categorise them as mens/ladies, difficult as much is unisex, or small/large etc.


Im not too concerned about all things graphical, I havent done a lot of work in this area but again recommendations are welcome.


Any input appreciated,


Best regards,





PS I have a splash page at http://www.justrimless.com as I read somewhere that google will not crawl properly through an oscommerce site, is this corrrect?.

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I wear spectacles, varifocals, and to me the colours and images are really wishy-washy, even washed out. Also you've hard-coded some image links onto your site which throw up a secure/insecure error when moving to an https page, which is a shame as you've taken the trouble to install a full ssl cert.





For img src all you need enter is 'images/yourimage.gif' and you get no problems then when switching from http to https.



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I wear spectacles, varifocals, and to me the colours and images are really wishy-washy, even washed out.  Also you've hard-coded some image links onto your site which throw up a secure/insecure error when moving to an https page, which is a shame as you've taken the trouble to install a full ssl cert.





For img src all you need enter is 'images/yourimage.gif' and you get no problems then when switching from http to https.





Do you think I should have the pics of the frames professionally taken?

Some of the pics on the site are pulled from the manufacturers site and are cleaner but the others are pics we have taken ourselves as these are custom products we have designed ourselves.

As for the insecure issue that doesnt happen on my machine, that is something I will look into.



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Also you've hard-coded some image links onto your site which throw up a secure/insecure error when moving to an https page, which is a shame as you've taken the trouble to install a full ssl cert.


For img src all you need enter is 'images/yourimage.gif' and you get no problems then when switching from http to https.



Sorted that now.

I had used the full reference being confused as the directory containing information.php was beyond the root, I thought relative referencing wouldnt work. I see that the info in that file is pulled into a file in the root dir.

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you may want to check your reviews. Has a bug there (its oscommerce i think)








Yeah, I noticed that, I will try and fix it but in the meantime I will pull the infobox.

Also in the 'whats new for August' I keep seeing a non existent product. The product id is 71, I need to look into sorting that also.



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Yes it looks rather washed out to me too.

Get rid of the cartoons, fix the broken images, and turn up the contrast a bit.

I see you have a big advert for GoDaddy on your site? Wait a minute....is that the SSL certificate? Doesn't look much like one though.

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Yes it looks rather washed out to me too.

Get rid of the cartoons, fix the broken images, and turn up the contrast a bit.

I see you have a big advert for GoDaddy on your site?  Wait a minute....is that the SSL certificate? Doesn't look much like one though.

I am about to invest in a better camera for the pics & improve lighting when I retake them, detail is lost when im tring to make them bright enough so they dont look like they are in a funny coloured box.


The Go Daddy logo is rather offensive, I may well knock something less garish together.

By cartoons do you mean all the stock logo's knocking about, I will be getting shut of those? Or please elaborate?



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