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The e-commerce.

Please help...


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I'm a newbie:)


I've been trying to install 2MS2 on yahoo's web hosting but cannot even get past the upload. :'(


I'm trying to follow along with the instructions but I think they may be out of date.


1) I'm installing catalog and admin in the root directory.

What happens with the rest of the files in the download package?

2) The instructions say to point your browser to "yourdomainname/catalog/install".

I just get "page not found"

There is no install file in the catalog directory.

All php files ae displaying "page cannot be found"...typical 404 error


I've installed different open source applications before but never on yahoo and I've never installed os commerce either.


I would GREATLY appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance!


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Yahoo is a very bad choice for hosting osCommerce sites (ditto Lycos), but if you want to do it then you'll need to delete the .htaccess files and the .cvsignore files that come included within osCommerce, as Yahoo does not allow the use of any files beginning with a dot.


The 'install' folder should be within the 'catalog' folder, or in the root of your web if you are installing into the root e.g. no 'catalog' folder and site available at http://www.yourdomain.com not yourdomain.com/catalog.



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Some time ago I tried a site on Yahoo and scripts that I installed effortlessly on other host would not run on the Yahoo site.. Quit now!!! Find another host.. You'll be ahead.


You can get $19.95 month site at Aplus.net. They provide osCommerce PRE-INSTALLED. (I am not affiliated with them.. just letting you know.) All you have to do is activate it by providing three simple pieces of info on the osCommerce "control panel". I have found that you have full control over you site too. (to install ssl certif, etc, etc).

Check them out - aplus.net

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