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The e-commerce.

2 url's 1, store


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hello everyone, I'd like to use 1 OSC installation for a shop that is accessible from 2 different url's. the catch is that one url is for normal customers, the other would be for dealers. so prices and conditions would be different for each store. is this possible with OSC?

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There may be a contribution to address that (have you check the contributions yet?)


It shouldn't be too hard to add, though - PHP can determine the URL used to call the site, so all you would need to do is select pricing based on the base URL.


Look for a contribution that allows pricing based on a user-status (I'm certain the wholesaler discount option has been addressed) and just modify it so that the status is set based on the URL.


That said - do you WANT your retail customers to be able to see your wholesale prices and place orders there? You're probably better off using one URL and determining the customer status when they login.

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thank you both for saving me a lot of time. I have only been looking into osc the last 2 days now and unfortunately the contirbutions aren't always easy to find in the huge database.

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