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Wishlist 3.0 Support Thread


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Hello Dennis,


Thanks for taking time to update this great contribution. I've just installed a new version. However, when I go to my store, there is nothing appears at the right column. When I go to wishlist.php, there no bottom part appears.


What's wrong?



One more thing: when I go to wishlist.php, fill out Name and Email of just one recipient and click Continue to send an email, I get the following messages at the top of the page:

Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in ......\osCommerce\includes\classes\email.php on line 500


Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in .....\osCommerce\includes\classes\email.php on line 500


Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in ......\osCommerce\includes\classes\email.php on line 500


Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in .....\osCommerce\includes\classes\email.php on line 500


Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in ......\osCommerce\includes\classes\email.php on line 500


Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in .....\osCommerce\includes\classes\email.php on line 500


Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in .....\osCommerce\includes\classes\email.php on line 500


Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in ......\osCommerce\includes\classes\email.php on line 500


Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in ....\osCommerce\includes\classes\email.php on line 500

However, email has been sent, but the link is not clickable.

Where exactly should I put a code from Step 14:

STEP 14 - Add in a link to the wishlist wherever you want

Place this code where you want the "My Wishlist" link to appear, whether it be on the account page or in the header. Your choice. Use this code:

<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_WISHLIST); ?>"><?php echo BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_WISHLIST; ?></a>



Edited by Irin
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This thing is great! I installed 3.5, then I see 3.5a, I copied all the new files over my existing ones. Now I see 3.5a_1 which has a fixed typo in the install.


1. Can you tell me what the typo was and how it was fixed so I dont have to do the entire install over?

2. Also after the checkout when logged in it is still not removing the items from the wist list.


I have gone over the install and made sure all steps where in place I am guessing checkout_process.php is the culprit.


Thanks for the BEST wishlist that oscommerce has! I have only had it on for 2 days and my customers have been emailing me that they love it.

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Its a fill in description for the donation, so no you dont need to reinstall this. So everything went good with 3.5 then?




OK I am updated the install directions again. Peter found a problem and this needs to be fixed. It's a typo on STEP 11.



It should read this: (notice $wishList-> with a captial L)


STEP 10 - Edit catalog/includes/column_right.php

Find this code:

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'shopping_cart.php');
Below that code ADD this:

if($wishList->count_wishlist() != '0') { require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'wishlist.php'); }


I am updating new instructions now.



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Hey Dennis!


Thanks for the update!


I am goning to install it now... I came on to see if I could find out why I presently don't get the attributes carried over in wishlist_public.php - I'll let you know in just awhile how the update works for me!


Thanks again, much!



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Uploaded 3.5a


See if that email error went away and are you still experiencing the layout problem when you go to wishlist.php?



Dennis, what exactly did you change in 3.5a? I see no difference in install instructions. Do I need to replace all files from a new version?

When I go to wishlist.php, all that appears from the right column is just

Shopping Cart


0 items

Your Basket Is Empty

and no bottom part. The same problem with wishlist_help.php and wishlist_public.php. On wishlist.php there is an excessive "." (dot) under "Your Email:" and "1 x Product Name" in Shopping Cart column. Now there are no error messages when sending a wishlist to a friend.

The other problem is with scrolling images in my header. When I go to wishlist_public.php there is no place in the header for images to scroll, so they scroll over the text. And where exactly should I place a code from Step 14:

STEP 14 - Add in a link to the wishlist wherever you want

Place this code where you want the "My Wishlist" link to appear, whether it be on the account page or in the header. Your choice. Use this code:

<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_WISHLIST); ?>"><?php echo BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_WISHLIST; ?></a>


Thanks for digging into problems.


Edited by Irin
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Did you have the old 2.4 version installed? I havent added a wishlist_help file.


What do you mean by excessive dot?


What do you mean by scrolling images? I dont support other peoples modifications.


And on STEP 14, that code is a link. Place it where ever you want the link "My Wishlist" displayed. Its wherever you want to put it. If you want it added to the top next to "My Account" then find that link in your header.php file.


What I changed in 3.5a is in the file wishlist.php. I fixed your email problem.



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Did you have the old 2.4 version installed? I havent added a wishlist_help file.


What do you mean by excessive dot?


What do you mean by scrolling images? I dont support other peoples modifications.


And on STEP 14, that code is a link. Place it where ever you want the link "My Wishlist" displayed. Its wherever you want to put it. If you want it added to the top next to "My Account" then find that link in your header.php file.


What I changed in 3.5a is in the file wishlist.php. I fixed your email problem.



Yes, I do have a previous 2.4 version of contribution.


Excessive dot is an extra dot that not belongs in place. I have it in two places:

Your Email:


and in Shopping Cart column

1 x Product Name


I use a "Scrolling_marquee" contribution to scroll images in my header. They scroll fine though in wishlist.php but not in wishlist_public.php.

And there is still no right column and bottom part when I'm in wishlist.php and any other page from wishlist.php.


Thanks for your support.


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I have no excess dots, but I still can't figure out why the attributes are not being picked up by wishlist_public.php.


I have a whole bunch contributions installed, and often have to try and figure a way to make them work together.



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Is anyone else expierencing Irina's problems?


Can you link me, by pm or something so I can see what's going on.




I have a problem with wishlist_public.php. Boy is the formatting off! There is extra spacing everywhere and everything is out of wack. LOL. The page is still usable, but it stinks that I cant figure out how to fix it, spent hours looking at it.



Look at the rest of the site to compare spacing and formatting with wishlist_public.php


Also, the email that is sent from the wishlist page doesnt have a clickable link. How do I fix that?



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I have a problem with wishlist_public.php. Boy is the formatting off! There is extra spacing everywhere and everything is out of wack. LOL. The page is still usable, but it stinks that I cant figure out how to fix it, spent hours looking at it.



Look at the rest of the site to compare spacing and formatting with wishlist_public.php


Also, the email that is sent from the wishlist page doesnt have a clickable link. How do I fix that?





I went to your site, and I don't see a problem in FireFox or in IE. What is the problem? And the link that is sent may not be clickable due to user settings in the email client. Also on your wishlist.php page, you must have an old copy cuz you have no error checking for the email form.




Yes, I do have a previous 2.4 version of contribution.


Excessive dot is an extra dot that not belongs in place. I have it in two places:


and in Shopping Cart column


I use a "Scrolling_marquee" contribution to scroll images in my header. They scroll fine though in wishlist.php but not in wishlist_public.php.

And there is still no right column and bottom part when I'm in wishlist.php and any other page from wishlist.php.


Thanks for your support.



I don't see the dots when I go to your site. And your other problem about the right column. It happens on other pages too, so its not the wishlist, has to be another modification you have done.



Edited by dblake
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ive got a slight problem with the new version. when i look at the site the right colum only shows the shopping cart, above that i get this error message:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: count_wishlist() in /vhost/vhost2/y/o/u/youwant-wegot.com/www/catalog/includes/column_right.php on line 15


ive checked the line and formatting but carnt find anything wrong.


anyone got any ideas on this?




(apart from this it all seems to work fine !) :)

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thanks dennis, i'll wait. ive just took the code out the right colum for now


ive found 1 other prob,


when i try and send a wishlist email it keeps returning errors , saying i need to add at least 1 name & email

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I went to your site, and I don't see a problem in FireFox or in IE. What is the problem? And the link that is sent may not be clickable due to user settings in the email client. Also on your wishlist.php page, you must have an old copy cuz you have no error checking for the email form.




IE is ok, But Firefox is not. I tried it on 3 computers at my home... oh well, most ppl use IE anyways. Yes i do have an old copy and havent updated it yet, no biggie.



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thanks dennis, i'll wait. ive just took the code out the right colum for now


ive found 1 other prob,


when i try and send a wishlist email it keeps returning errors , saying i need to add at least 1 name & email

See... you get the exact same problems as I do. First, I got an errors when sending my emails, but got it fixed thanks to an update to wishlist.php. And secondly, I got my right colum only showing up the shopping cart and not showing the bottom part. There is something wrong with the code that suppose to go into includes/column_right.php. I just rolled back my original column_right.php by now. We'll see if we'll come up with a fix for it.



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I know what the problem, I just dont have time to fix it yet. Hopefully in a few hours. Also Irin, that black dot is supposed to be a line separator. For some reason it doesn't print right for you, I dunno why. But in the code it specifies 100%, but its outputtin 1. Dunno if its your server or not, but your server i really slow.



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I've got the attributes carrying over now.


I've got SPPC (Special Pricing Per Customer) & Salemaker as well as other contributions, which require modifying wishlist_public.php. For the two mentioned contributions, to get the correct price to show, and I have short desc, which I wanted in it, and I wanted to have the small delete button replace the checkbox in wishlist.php, so that an item can still be deleted should they want to, when it's no longer available or out of stock.


I am under the impression that you would rather not, and don't have the time to - give assistance integrating wish list with other contributions. So, I didn't want to ask for help concerning my other contributions.


I think this is a fantastic contribution. The public wish list makes it stand apart from anything else I've seen.


I have almost got it working exactly as I want it to. It's more involving than I realized particularly with SPPC - but it's worth the effort!


Thanks again for a brilliant contribution!



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I know what the problem, I just dont have time to fix it yet. Hopefully in a few hours. Also Irin, that black dot is supposed to be a line separator. For some reason it doesn't print right for you, I dunno why. But in the code it specifies 100%, but its outputtin 1. Dunno if its your server or not, but your server i really slow.



Well, as long as you know what the problem is, we may hope to get it working. The black dot I have in my code, is there anything to do with this line: <td colspan="2"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_black.gif', '100%', '1'); ?></td>, especially with '1'? And, I don't know why is my server soo slow. Sorry.



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By the way, I a not having any eMail problems at all, I changed some of the error code, but just to allow messages, and to bring the error message to the top of the page.


I am not using the new wishlist box, so I don't know about this.




Well, as long as you know what the problem is, we may hope to get it working. The black dot I have in my code, is there anything to do with this line: <td colspan="2"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_black.gif', '100%', '1'); ?></td>, especially with '1'? And, I don't know why is my server soo slow. Sorry.




This will create a dot for sure.

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