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Wishlist 3.0 Support Thread


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Hey Joe,


Great idea! Did you ever figure out to accomplish this? Or can somebody elaborate on how this could be accomplished.




HI Priest,


I'm responding to the post about Wishlist Look-up for visitors. It asked:


Can you tell me how someone visiting my website can look up or search for someone elses wishlist by entering the email address in a search box or by selecting from a drop-down box that includes all current wishlists?


Is there a contribution for this maybe?



I have been trying to find a solution also, tried pasting the code from the admin wishlist reports into a shopping cart page but it has errors in that environment, but it's a start. Did you ever find a solution?



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I have installed wishlist 3.5 and have a problem with wishlist_public.php. I can add to my own wishlist, move my wishlist products to the shopping cart and send emails to others about my wishlist, but when someone clicks on the email link and goes to wishlist_public.php and tries to add a product from my wishlist to their shopping cart it takes them to the index page and their shopping cart is empty, even when they are logged in. How can I fix this?

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Hi, very strange issue. When I click on Add to Wishlist button it loads wishlist.php but no content


That is my session array printed

[cart] => shoppingCart Object
		[contents] => Array
				[1536] => Array
						[qty] => 1

				[73413] => Array
						[qty] => 1


		[total] => 36.6908625
		[weight] => 0.37
		[cartID] => 04184
		[content_type] => 
		[total_virtual] => 36.6908625
		[weight_virtual] => 2.22

[language] => english
[languages_id] => 1
[currency] => NZD
[navigation] => navigationHistory Object
		[path] => Array

		[snapshot] => Array


[wishList] => wishlist Object
		[wishID] => 

[affiliate_ref] => 14
[affiliate_clickthroughs_id] => 
[wishlist_id] => 1536


I assume sessions work fine. There's wishlist_id so it must go through $wishList->add_wishlist($wishlist_id, $attributes_id);

$this->wishID[$wishlist_id] = array($wishlist_id); print_r($this->wishID);


This print_r shows this code :

[1536] => Array
		[0] => 1536



[wishList] => wishlist Object


[wishID] => <- always empty :huh:



Force cookie usage is set to true. I don't want osCsid parameter in address.

Does anyone know why is this happening. The oscommerce site is working great. All functions like login, logout, checkout works okay

Edited by egorig
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I have installed wishlist 3.5. The contribution woks fine when I use stansard buttons. If I use css defined buttons in the product_info I can't move items to the wishlist.


Does anyone have correct code for css buttons ?





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Hi First of all fantastic contribution, its exactly what i was looking for.


One question, would appreciate anyones help on this, i want to change it so it displays like the new products page, as in in boxes, 2 x 2 etc rather than just a table.


Is this hard to do?




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I am installing Wishlist in a store that uses

"Ajax Buy Now" on the product_info page, posting from there is not an

option, so I'm replacing the submit button by a link to the wishlist

page using a GET method instead, coded as follows:


echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_WISHLIST,

tep_get_all_get_params()) . '&wishlist_x=XXXX">' .

tep_image_button('button_wishlist.gif', 'Add to Wishlist') . '</a>';


I recoded the application top with HTTP_GET_VARS and managed to make this work by passing a hardcoded XXX numeric value,

I would like to know how to retrieve the dynamic value of wishlist_x when posting from the product_info.php page :)


I played with the wishlist class without success, I'm sure it's not very complicated, but I'm stuck...


Thank you for getting back on me regarding this matter!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really want to install this contribution but there seem to be lots of fixes and i'm not sure which package and fixes need to be installed? Can someone tell me what to install or can someone make a new complete package with all relevant fixes?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there;


I'm trying to install this contrib on my new website and have run into a snag. At first I was getting


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/content/l/a/d/ladykdelights/html/catalog/includes/column_right.php on line 14


I found the fix saying to put the l's into lower case. After doing so, the error was still showing so I // out


if($wishList->count_wishlist() != '0') { require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'wishlist.php'); }


and the error disappeared.


Now when testing when I click on a product for more details I am getting PRODUCT_ADDED_TO_WISHLIST in a green

highlighted line above the product and when I click Add to Wishlist button it is sending the item to the shopping cart

instead of the wishlist.


I've looked at the fixes on the contrib page but didn't see anything for this problem.






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Now when testing when I click on a product for more details I am getting PRODUCT_ADDED_TO_WISHLIST in a green

highlighted line


most likely, you didn't install the language file correctly (or you should at least add in: includes> languages > english.php

define('PRODUCT_ADDED_TO_WISHLIST','This product has been added to your Wish List');


regarding the landing on the shopping cart I need more info on this : site url maybe?

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Hi PixClinic;


Thanks for responding. I just checked the catalog/includes/languages/english.php and the additional lines for the wishlist

are there. Here's the code


// shopping_cart box text in includes/boxes/shopping_cart.php

define('BOX_HEADING_SHOPPING_CART', 'Shopping Cart');

define('BOX_SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY', '0 items');

// wishlist box text in includes/boxes/wishlist.php define('BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_WISHLIST', 'My Wishlist'); define('TEXT_WISHLIST_COUNT', 'Currently %s items are on your Wish List.');


Here is my website www.ladykbridalplus.com if you can take a look when you get a chance. Any help would be most

appreciated. I'll look into it some more today also.


Thanks again,


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Hi PixClinic;


Thanks for responding. I just checked the catalog/includes/languages/english.php and the additional lines for the wishlist

are there. Here's the code


// shopping_cart box text in includes/boxes/shopping_cart.php

define('BOX_HEADING_SHOPPING_CART', 'Shopping Cart');

define('BOX_SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY', '0 items');

// wishlist box text in includes/boxes/wishlist.php define('BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_WISHLIST', 'My Wishlist'); define('TEXT_WISHLIST_COUNT', 'Currently %s items are on your Wish List.');


Here is my website www.ladykbridalplus.com if you can take a look when you get a chance. Any help would be most

appreciated. I'll look into it some more today also.


Thanks again,



if your define starts on the same line as your // , it won't be displayed (the whole line is interpreted as a comment). break your line as follows


// wishlist box text in includes/boxes/wishlist.php
define('BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_WISHLIST', 'My Wishlist'); define('TEXT_WISHLIST_COUNT', 'Currently %s items are on your Wish List.');


that's it

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I thought of that to so I changed the code to look like this


// shopping_cart box text in includes/boxes/shopping_cart.php

define('BOX_HEADING_SHOPPING_CART', 'Shopping Cart');

define('BOX_SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY', '0 items');


// wishlist box text in includes/boxes/wishlist.php


define('TEXT_WISHLIST_COUNT', 'Currently %s items are on your Wish List.');


and still having the problem

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Hi again;


The code that you mentioned


define('PRODUCT_ADDED_TO_WISHLIST','This product has been added to your Wish List');


I have in catalog/includes/languages/english/product_info.php as per the install instructions


As per you last post, if your code appears exactly like you posted it, it is ONE LINE, and it won't work. read my post again

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As per you last post, if your code appears exactly like you posted it, it is ONE LINE, and it won't work. read my post again


do you see a


define('PRODUCT_ADDED_TO_WISHLIST','this item has been added to your wishlist');


in your file?

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I changed the coding to look like this


// shopping_cart box text in includes/boxes/shopping_cart.php

define('BOX_HEADING_SHOPPING_CART', 'Shopping Cart');

define('BOX_SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY', '0 items');

// wishlist box text in includes/boxes/wishlist.php

define('BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_WISHLIST', 'My Wishlist'); define('TEXT_WISHLIST_COUNT', 'Currently %s items are on your Wish List.');


and it's still doing it. I'm looking at the fixes to install. I've done the one for Mar. 19. The fix for April 18 do know what file that's supposed to go in?

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ok ... on fix Mar. 8 Fix problem with adding product to wishlist frome product list ;]

I have no coding for the wishlist in catalog/includes/modules/product_listing.php

Did I miss a file somewhere? This is a great contrib for any store but man is it a mess to install lol.

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Hi ya all

Great posts helps me quite alot...

Question though and perhaps I missed something along the way ....hope not!!


Anyway I have installed Wish List 3.5d and have oscommerce-2.2rc2a


Question is...

Instead of emailing the wishlist to the allocated emails that you need to provide how can I set the wishlist to be emailed to the shop owner only?

I want to treat the wishlist as an Enquiry list so when my customer add items to the wishlist it gets sent to me only and then I can follow it up with their enquiry.


Hope it makes sense...!


Muchly appreciated



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Instead of emailing the wishlist to the allocated emails that you need to provide how can I set the wishlist to be emailed to the shop owner only?


in wishlist.php


around line 173, find :

foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS['friend'] as $friendx) {
			if($friendx != '') {
				tep_mail($friendx, $email[$j], $subject, $friendx . ",\n\n" . $body, $from_name, $from_email);


replace with:


foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS['friend'] as $friendx) {
			if($friendx != '') {
				  tep_mail(STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, $from_name . ' sent a wishlist',  $body  , $from_name, $from_email);


and set your number of friends to 1 in your admin


Let me know how it goes

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I have installed this contribution and it works well. The only problem is that when a product is out of stock it gets trapped in the customer's wishlist. Customer cannot add it to shopping cart but they cannot delete it either. I know I've asked this before ( a while back but noone had an answer then) I just thought maybe someone has figured out a solution. Is it possible with this contribution for the add to cart and delete buttons to be individual for each product in the wishlist without the select checkbox method? Therefore if a product is in stock the add to cart and delete button to appear next to the product. If the product is out of stock then only the delete button to appear.

Thank you in advance,


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in wishlist.php


around line 173, find :

foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS['friend'] as $friendx) {
			if($friendx != '') {
				tep_mail($friendx, $email[$j], $subject, $friendx . ",\n\n" . $body, $from_name, $from_email);


replace with:


foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS['friend'] as $friendx) {
			if($friendx != '') {
				  tep_mail(STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, $from_name . ' sent a wishlist',  $body  , $from_name, $from_email);


and set your number of friends to 1 in your admin


Let me know how it goes



Thankyou very much! It does work!

However, If I were the customer who was using the wishlist it would be a little confusing because the customer is on the understanding that the items in the wishlist is being sent to whom ever he nominates in the name and email text box.


How can I get rid of the name and email text boxes and only have the message box?


Also, I noticed that when I receive the email it shows only the link to the customers wishlist. Can the email display the wishlist items in it?

I ask because when the customer sends the wishlist email and then deletes the items in the wishlist it cannot be viewed, the customers I guess assumes that the items were sent via the email .... this could be a little drama.


Once again many thanks for this cool addon!

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Thankyou very much! It does work!

However, If I were the customer who was using the wishlist it would be a little confusing because the customer is on the understanding that the items in the wishlist is being sent to whom ever he nominates in the name and email text box.


How can I get rid of the name and email text boxes and only have the message box?


Also, I noticed that when I receive the email it shows only the link to the customers wishlist. Can the email display the wishlist items in it?

I ask because when the customer sends the wishlist email and then deletes the items in the wishlist it cannot be viewed, the customers I guess assumes that the items were sent via the email .... this could be a little drama.


Once again many thanks for this cool addon!


just edit the language files, and replace the text by empty strings


as far as the email content, mine shows all the items in the list, not a link to the customers list???

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just edit the language files, and replace the text by empty strings


as far as the email content, mine shows all the items in the list, not a link to the customers list???



Thanks mate...,

What I did notice though was that when the public uses the wishlist it does come up with a 2nd text input area asking 'your name' and 'your email' and no message box and below it there is still the original text input boxes.... I'm sure this is not correct...? ...as there are 2 different sets of input boxes!

But when you are logged in only the original input texted boxes are listed..??


And on the email it definately has a link on it to the wishlist not the items listed.


cheers vjc

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