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Wishlist 3.0 Support Thread


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Quick PS since I can't edit the above post anymore!


Must also add that I have a VERY heavily modded site - it's been online over 3 years now - 30+ mods plus hand hacking by me! (I can't call it coding coz I'm a script butcher!) , so it's possible that conflict with another mod caused the original problem that the fixes in the thread didn't sort out!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I saw this question, but never a saw an answer.


I got this thing working, however, I want to add the icon to get to "my wishlist" up by the account, cart, etc. but cant seem to figure out how to add the link so that it loks right and links where it is supposed to. Well, it links, but I want the icon table_background_wishlist.gif to be up there as well.



If it was easy, anyone could do it!

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Ok, I saw this question, but never a saw an answer.


I got this thing working, however, I want to add the icon to get to "my wishlist" up by the account, cart, etc. but cant seem to figure out how to add the link so that it loks right and links where it is supposed to. Well, it links, but I want the icon table_background_wishlist.gif to be up there as well.




Hi, I looked at your site, lotions2go, and see 'BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_WISHLIST", then when I click there I get "http://lotions2go.com/ecommerce/os/catalog/FILENAME_WISHLIST


I think that you may not have done all of the install instructions. Try doing the following code changes, after you have made back up copies of thes files of course:


1) Edit catalog/includes/filenames.php


Add at the very bottom before the ?>:


define('FILENAME_WISHLIST', 'wishlist.php'); define('FILENAME_WISHLIST_HELP', 'wishlist_help.php'); define('FILENAME_WISHLIST_PUBLIC', 'wishlist_public.php');



2) Edit catalog/includes/languages/english.php


Find this code:


// shopping_cart box text in includes/boxes/shopping_cart.php define('BOX_HEADING_SHOPPING_CART', 'Shopping Cart'); define('BOX_SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY', '0 items');

Below that code ADD this:


// wishlist box text in includes/boxes/wishlist.php define('BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_WISHLIST', 'My Wishlist'); define('TEXT_WISHLIST_COUNT', 'Currently %s items are on your Wish List.');


You may not have done other parts of the install instructions, but these are what stuck out at me.


Hope it helps,


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Ok, I saw this question, but never a saw an answer.


I got this thing working, however, I want to add the icon to get to "my wishlist" up by the account, cart, etc. but cant seem to figure out how to add the link so that it loks right and links where it is supposed to. Well, it links, but I want the icon table_background_wishlist.gif to be up there as well.




Hi, I looked at your site, lotions2go, and see 'BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_WISHLIST", then when I click there I get "http://lotions2go.com/ecommerce/os/catalog/FILENAME_WISHLIST


I think that you may not have done all of the install instructions. Try doing the following code changes, after you have made back up copies of thes files of course:


1) Edit catalog/includes/filenames.php


Add at the very bottom before the ?>:


define('FILENAME_WISHLIST', 'wishlist.php'); define('FILENAME_WISHLIST_HELP', 'wishlist_help.php'); define('FILENAME_WISHLIST_PUBLIC', 'wishlist_public.php');



2) Edit catalog/includes/languages/english.php


Find this code:


// shopping_cart box text in includes/boxes/shopping_cart.php define('BOX_HEADING_SHOPPING_CART', 'Shopping Cart'); define('BOX_SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY', '0 items');

Below that code ADD this:


// wishlist box text in includes/boxes/wishlist.php define('BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_WISHLIST', 'My Wishlist'); define('TEXT_WISHLIST_COUNT', 'Currently %s items are on your Wish List.');


You may not have done other parts of the install instructions, but these are what stuck out at me.


Hope it helps,


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Hi, I looked at your site, lotions2go, and see 'BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_WISHLIST", then when I click there I get "http://lotions2go.com/ecommerce/os/catalog/FILENAME_WISHLIST


I think that you may not have done all of the install instructions. Try doing the following code changes, after you have made back up copies of thes files of course:


1) Edit catalog/includes/filenames.php


Add at the very bottom before the ?>:


define('FILENAME_WISHLIST', 'wishlist.php'); define('FILENAME_WISHLIST_HELP', 'wishlist_help.php'); define('FILENAME_WISHLIST_PUBLIC', 'wishlist_public.php');

2) Edit catalog/includes/languages/english.php


Find this code:


// shopping_cart box text in includes/boxes/shopping_cart.php define('BOX_HEADING_SHOPPING_CART', 'Shopping Cart'); define('BOX_SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY', '0 items');

Below that code ADD this:


// wishlist box text in includes/boxes/wishlist.php define('BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_WISHLIST', 'My Wishlist'); define('TEXT_WISHLIST_COUNT', 'Currently %s items are on your Wish List.');


You may not have done other parts of the install instructions, but these are what stuck out at me.


Hope it helps,





I checked and those changes were made.


I pretty much just want to add the image at the top, I think the rest of it is working ok, but cant tell as of yet becasue of another contrib that is fighting me tooth and nail.

If it was easy, anyone could do it!

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i have a problem with items in the wishlist that are no longer available (out of stock). these products show up in the wishlist but the owner of the wishlist is unable to delete them with the checkbox. anyone else seeing this and is there are fix?


thanks in advance....

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It's supposed to work like that. Just look in the wishlist.php page and comment out the check to see if the product_status is sold out or w/e and just don't do that part. I commented the code pretty good, you should be able to see where the checkbox is displayed and where its not. Just make it only display.

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It's supposed to work like that. Just look in the wishlist.php page and comment out the check to see if the product_status is sold out or w/e and just don't do that part. I commented the code pretty good, you should be able to see where the checkbox is displayed and where its not. Just make it only display.


thanks for the reply. i do like how it won't allow the part to be added to the shopping cart so i don't want to just allow it to be checked but just deleted. i'm not sure how to accomplish this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I realised that I needed a baby wish list as my larger competitors have them. I then found this which proved to be a great basis for me to start a long way from the beginning.


Thanks Dennis!


I have mine running so that once your wishlist is created you have a password which you can give to a friend (didn't like to have an email form for spammers to use) also if based on $customer_id it can be guessed easily.


I created a file called wishlist_view where a guest then enters the pass and is sent to wishlist_public where they can view the wishlist.


If they add to cart and purchase the item is removed from the wishlist (both public and otherwise).


paypal_ipn.php needed mods similar to checkout_process.php to work.


I also got this to work with Chemo's page_cache contrib (changes to column_left or right and page_cache.php) it was important for me to retain site speed.


Thanks again for what proved to be a great starter.


I need to offer something by way of thanks below is the code so that page_cache can be used with this contrib: -


includes/column_right or includes/column_left (wherever you want the wishlist box to appear) use the following:


if (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id') && ENABLE_PAGE_CACHE == 'true' && class_exists('page_cache') ) {
  echo "<%WISHLIST_CACHE%>";
  } else {
		 if($wishList->count_wishlist() != '0')
		 include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'wishlist.php');





var $cache_dir, $cache_filename


Add to the line of variables





function page_cache(


Add to the line of variables after $cart_info






$this->customer_cart = $this->compress_buffer( $cart_info );


Add below


$this->wishlist_box = $wishlist_info;


Find 4 instances of


echo str_replace(array("<%CART_CACHE%>",


Replace the whole lines IN ORDER with:


echo str_replace(array("<%CART_CACHE%>", "<%WISHLIST_CACHE%>", "?<osCsid>", "&<osCsid>"), array($this->customer_cart, $this->wishlist_box, $this->customer_sid, $this->customer_sid), file_get_contents($this->cache_file) );


echo str_replace(array("<%CART_CACHE%>", "<%WISHLIST_CACHE%>", "<osCsid>"), array($this->customer_cart, $this->wishlist_box, $this->customer_sid), file_get_contents($this->cache_file) );


echo str_replace(array("<%CART_CACHE%>", "<%WISHLIST_CACHE%>", "?<osCsid>", "&<osCsid>"), array($this->customer_cart, $this->wishlist_box, $this->customer_sid, $this->customer_sid), $buffer );


echo str_replace(array("<%CART_CACHE%>", "<%WISHLIST_CACHE%>", "<osCsid>"), array($this->customer_cart, $this->wishlist_box, $this->customer_sid), $buffer);






$cart_cache = ob_get_clean();


Add below


if($wishList->count_wishlist() != '0') {
require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'wishlist.php');
$wishlist_cache = ob_get_clean();




$page_cache = new page_cache(


Change the whole line to


$page_cache = new page_cache($cart_cache, $wishlist_cache);


Reset your cache in admin and you're away.

Edited by thunderace
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I couldn't re edit






$cart_cache = ob_get_clean();


Add below


if($wishList->count_wishlist() != '0') {
require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'wishlist.php');
$wishlist_cache = ob_get_clean();

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Apols in advance for noobness. Top contribution, nearly exactly what I needed. Installed easily too.


Is it possible to set a default email to which the wishlist contents will be sent? I'm working on a template for an estate agency and they'd like clients to make a selection of properties and them email them with the list for more info. Tried setting a default "friend" and email address using value="xx" but it failed as no friends inputted, probably due to my poor coding ability!


Any tips to put me on the right track?


Thanks in advance

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Apols in advance for noobness. Top contribution, nearly exactly what I needed. Installed easily too.


Is it possible to set a default email to which the wishlist contents will be sent? I'm working on a template for an estate agency and they'd like clients to make a selection of properties and them email them with the list for more info. Tried setting a default "friend" and email address using value="xx" but it failed as no friends inputted, probably due to my poor coding ability!


Any tips to put me on the right track?


Thanks in advance



Problem solved - my ignorance of php syntax was to blame!

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I have Wishlist installed and everything seems to work fine except when I go to Admin (Reports - Customer Wish Lists) it says something like Displaying 1 to 5 (of 10 customers) and shows page 1 of 2. There are two things wrong. Page 1 only lists 4 (not 5) customers and page 2 comes up blank. Any ideas or suggestions?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to get master products to work with wishlist. I have master products setup so multiple slave products can be added at the same time. (using checkboxes). Any help greatly appreciated.



Rendered Code: (product_info.php)

<input type="checkbox" name="Qty_ProdId_528" value="1">



Source Code: (master_listing.php)

// draw checkbox instead of dropdown

$lc_text = tep_draw_checkbox_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], $value = (int)1);



Code (application_top.php)

	 // customer adds multiple products from the master_listing page
case 'add_slave' :
						 while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $HTTP_POST_VARS ) ) {
						   if (substr($key,0,11) == "Qty_ProdId_") {
							 $prodId = substr($key,11);
							 $qty = $val;
							 if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["id_$prodId"]) && is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS["id_$prodId"])) {
							   // We have attributes
							   $cart->add_cart($prodId, $cart->get_quantity(tep_get_uprid($prodId,$HTTP_POST_VARS["id_$prodId"]))+$qty, $HTTP_POST_VARS["id_$prodId"]);
							 } else {
							   // No attributes
							   $cart->add_cart($prodId, $cart->get_quantity($prodId)+$qty);
						 tep_redirect(tep_href_link($goto, tep_get_all_get_params($parameters)));

 //Master Products EOF

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How to add simple text link to 'Add to Wishlist' in product info page?

I need replace image submit button to simple text link.


I have code:

tep_image_submit('button_wishlist.gif', 'Add to Wishlist', 'name="wishlist" value="wishlist"');


And i need replace this to mentioned above code:

<a href="????">Add to wishlist</a>


Any ideas?

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It's supposed to work like that. Just look in the wishlist.php page and comment out the check to see if the product_status is sold out or w/e and just don't do that part. I commented the code pretty good, you should be able to see where the checkbox is displayed and where its not. Just make it only display.


first a big thank you for the contribution and the very clear comments... for rookies it's heaven.


I think I found what you were referring to here in the Prevent from adding






if($products['products_status'] != 0) {

echo tep_draw_checkbox_field('add_wishprod[]',$wishlist_id);



I've changed it to







echo tep_draw_checkbox_field('add_wishprod[]',$wishlist_id);



This way I am keeping the checkbox to delete the item... but it still doesn't allow me to add to the cart an item that's out of stock... so I think I did it right. If you think this was not the best way and I might have damaged something else... I would really like to know


In any case... thank you very very much for a great add on and for the time you took to organize it so well.

Edited by mariemeh
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  • 3 weeks later...
How to add simple text link to 'Add to Wishlist' in product info page?

I need replace image submit button to simple text link.


I have code:

tep_image_submit('button_wishlist.gif', 'Add to Wishlist', 'name="wishlist" value="wishlist"');


And i need replace this to mentioned above code:

<a href="????">Add to wishlist</a>


Any ideas?


Have the same problem. Need a text link instead of the image link in the product_info. Does anybody has a idea how to do this?



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Hey Joe,


Great idea! Did you ever figure out to accomplish this? Or can somebody elaborate on how this could be accomplished.





I asked this once already....can anyone help?


Wishlist Look-up for visitors.


Can you tell me how someone visiting my website can look up or search for someone elses wishlist by entering the email address in a search box or by selecting from a drop-down box that includes all current wishlists?


Is there a contribution for this maybe?



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Maybe I missed it but I am looking for a way to show the total price calculated from the products in the wishlist.

In addition to that I want to check if a customer can still afford another item, they have a certain amount of money they can spend.


Example : Customer has a credit amount of 100,- , he ads an item of 80,- to his wishlist. In the wishlist the total price of 80,- should appear AND the amount he can still spend : 20,-. If he should remove an item from his list the amount should be added to his credit amount.


The fields for credit amount are allready in my customers table : customers_credit_amount and customers_credit_used

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Have the same problem. Need a text link instead of the image link in the product_info. Does anybody has a idea how to do this?



Figured it out today:

Add this script to the head of productinfo.php

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--
function value() 


and replace the image_submit function, with this:


<a href="java script:value('wishlist')">Add to Wishlist</a>


Works for me!

Edited by wirre
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  • 3 weeks later...
Maybe I missed it but I am looking for a way to show the total price calculated from the products in the wishlist.

In addition to that I want to check if a customer can still afford another item, they have a certain amount of money they can spend.


Example : Customer has a credit amount of 100,- , he ads an item of 80,- to his wishlist. In the wishlist the total price of 80,- should appear AND the amount he can still spend : 20,-. If he should remove an item from his list the amount should be added to his credit amount.


The fields for credit amount are allready in my customers table : customers_credit_amount and customers_credit_used



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