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The e-commerce.

Installation problem - Admin screen


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Hi, I tried to install OsCommerce last night on my Local machine to trial run before deciding if it was suitable for my needs


OSX running php5 with globals on - after a bit of bother I was able to get to the succesful installation screen, where it gives you two choices


1. Catalog


2. Administration Tools


Clicking on the Catalog I was able to view OsCommerce

Clicking on the admin, produced a blank page, no errors whatsoever, even going to view source code produced a blank document


Further errors, where, that registering was faulty, I could enter all my details but not procede any further


After this I left it for the night


This morning, when I try the local link to Oscommerce, the progress bar hardly moves, like I have a very slow connection to the page in my local sites folder, it can't even load any gifs on there own eg: catalog/images/dvd/blade_runner.gif

This might be mine problem with my machine rather the Oscommerce


Can anyone shed any light on any solutions to the problems, or should I start evaluating other packages?




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osCommerce is not forward compatible with PHP5, so you will have problems here - search the forum for 'PHP5' for fixes.


It does sound like you also have a problem on your machine.



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osCommerce is not forward compatible with PHP5, so you will have problems here - search the forum for 'PHP5' for fixes.


It does sound like you also have a problem on your machine.




come back after a night on the &&&&& and catalog now works but not admin



will search tomorrrow when sober


but thank you for replhying]]]still get blank admin scren



friday night in england if thqt explain

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admin/includes/classes/upload.php on line 31, edit:




to this:




You should then be able to access your admin folder.


Be aware also that with Mac any time they download an update to your files the update will probably scramble or reset file/folder permissions.



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