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Support Thread for Supertracker Contribution


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I use creLoaded and have installed this Supertracker contribution. I've done everything as described, still i can not see the supertracker in the Admin area?


It says: "You will also need to add this new box in "Administrator -> File Access" from the admin menu"


I went to the Box "Administrator" clicked on File Access and i've add the supertracker.php to the reports. Than i checked the permissions and the supertracker.php is marked as active. SOmehow i can not find the Supertracker Menu...


Thank you for any advice


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ok i found it... i've add define('FILENAME_SUPERTRACKER', 'supertracker.php'); to the catalog/include instead admin/include :rolleyes:


now i have another problem... it seems that i get stuck by 1 row in the table... if i chekc the page from 3 computer (all different IPs) than i should get 3 lines for each computer... instead it writes only to the first one, but shows all the products clicked by all 3 computers...


any hints would be great

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ok i found it... i've add define('FILENAME_SUPERTRACKER', 'supertracker.php'); to the catalog/include instead admin/include :rolleyes:


now i have another problem... it seems that i get stuck by 1 row in the table... if i chekc the page from 3 computer (all different IPs) than i should get 3 lines for each computer... instead it writes only to the first one, but shows all the products clicked by all 3 computers...


any hints would be great

I would reckon that your isp would give the same IP, no matter what computer you were on (assuming that you were checking the catalog side from 3 different computers).

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  • 4 weeks later...



The PPC tracking feature is not working for me. I checked the code and the data captured in the database and noticed that the landing_page field in my database does NOT include the referral query string. I went over the installation instructions carefully and didn't find any mention of some step I had to follow to enable inclusion of the query string. Does anyone know why this feature is not working properly for me and how I can fix it?


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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does someone feels strong enough to make a new release with all fixes and mysql + index + bot improvement

i feel lost since my last release :blush:



azer SENT ME A PM and The intelligent person keeps his email box FULL to stop reply's




it would be nicer when you wrote something like that to propose some solutions or update and also not to say something not true, there is a thread on this contribution for the support, and at least to be more specific and tell wich version of oscommerce you are using


hope you dont take it bad , but i think it s too easy to only critise and not improving the work that could be always improved that other have shared .


So i m sure you ll be part of the improvement and we could work together on that



There were others who have mentioned the issue in the forums before, no reply's to them For MONTHS




As for others work.

It is less than useless to post a "fix" that is only compatible with a very specific version with specific contributions installed, and not listing what they are.

Now that is easy to do and very damaging to the contribution.


As for the version

(2.2 Release Candidate 2a + buySAFE)



I do not see you posting a solution.

Is it too difficult?


PS Your email box if full.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

A quote from 2006 ^^




you are right - making this field on of the text type fields should prevent data from being overwritten. The reason for the choice of varchar(255) was basically one of naivety when the contribution was first written.


Since I had noticed the the issue you highlight, but hadn't had opportunity to post a correction due to the pressure of work.


Manually changing the type of this field should have no side-effects though.








QUOTE (ralphH @ Apr 4 2006, 06:19 AM) *


I was wondering about the size of categories_viewed and products_viewed in the database table for supertracker. Both fields are defined as VARCHAR(255). If somebody visits more categories than fit into categories_viewed the field is actually reset and restartet from scatch. This means that the information about all the visited categories is partly lost.


My question about that: What's the reason for using varchar(255) instead of a text-like fieldtype?





Well, I am not complaining or anything. I just implemented this contrib to my site and noticed this problem when I was clicking around like a small child on my site and reached the limit within a minute ^^

I just have a small question regarding this. Is this saved per session or per IP?

Let's say the limit is "20 categories till it blows" and I visit my site 10 times in a row, but click 19 categories in a row. Will it blow or will it start a new row in the database each time I revisit (with the same IP) the site?

(I just increased VARCHAR(255) to VARCHAR(4095), because I am a monster. Anyone got a more elegant idea? like.. starting to delete the previously visited categories, starting from the first one, so it doesn't "overflow"? I would do it.. just someone point me to where the code can be implemented. I am so bad at guessing where, but I am capable of doing it, haha.. :P )

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ok guys i get alot of erros in my admin site, it show this at the top:


e sessions directory does not exist: ' . tep_session_save_path() . '. Sessions will not work until this directory is created.'); define('WARNING_SESSION_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITEABLE', 'Warning: I am not able to write to the sessions directory: ' . tep_session_save_path() . '. Sessions will not work until the right user permissions are set.'); define('WARNING_SESSION_AUTO_START', 'Warning: session.auto_start is enabled - please disable this php feature in php.ini and restart the web server.'); define('WARNING_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY_NON_EXISTENT', 'Warning: The downloadable products directory does not exist: ' . DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD . '. Downloadable products will not work until this directory is valid.'); define('TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_INVALID_DATE', 'The expiry date entered for the credit card is invalid. Please check the date and try again.'); define('TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER', 'The credit card number entered is invalid. Please check the number and try again.'); define('TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CARD', 'The first four digits of the number entered are: %s. If that number is correct, we do not accept that type of credit card. If it is wrong, please try again.'); define('FOOTER_TEXT_BODY', 'Copyright © ' . date('Y') . ' ' . STORE_NAME . '

Powered by osCommerce'); define('BOX_REPORTS_SUPERTRACKER', 'Supertracker'); ?>


any help?

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  • 2 weeks later...



I am very new to contributions and PHP. The first step in your instructions is :


UPLOAD the "catalog" folder to the corresponding folders:










admin/images/geo_flags/(various zipped images)


Does that mean that I have to go to my website files and in the catalog/includes folder and the st_no_imgae.jpg? If not, what do I do?


I really appreciate your help!

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I am very new to contributions and PHP. The first step in your instructions is :


UPLOAD the "catalog" folder to the corresponding folders:










admin/images/geo_flags/(various zipped images)


Does that mean that I have to go to my website files and in the catalog/includes folder and the st_no_imgae.jpg? If not, what do I do?


I really appreciate your help!


in your catalog folder and admin folder as described you have to upload the files from the supertracker package, as mentioned.

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Hi, I am currently installing this add-on but it seems that the supertracker.php file that goes in




is missing, anyone else have this problem?

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hi from germany !


i need this contrib. "supertracker" its really one of the best contris i found here! good job !


Now i have a problem:

I installed all files of the 3.4 Version but i think the DBase or the file "supertracker_setup_db.php" sux !!!


after i visited the link "http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx.com/catalog/supertracker_setup_db.php"

i seen only a text "end of report" = so i think the tables was not created in the DB ? - or ???


now i see on my domain.com/catalog only an fatal error!

Fatal error: Call to a member function add_current_page() on a non-object in /xxx/catalog/includes/application_top.php on line 312


is this the database problem ???

and im a really noob with databases / is anyone here that can help me ???




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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

After I tried to change the server I got the following error message:


[Thu Sep 03 10:52:02 2009] [error] [client] PHP Warning: session_save_path() [<a href='function.session-save-path'>function.session-save-path</a>]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/srv/www/vhosts/NAME.eu/httpdocs/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/NAME.de/httpdocs:/tmp) in /var/www/vhosts/NAME.de/httpdocs/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 162

[Thu Sep 03 10:52:02 2009] [error] [client] PHP Warning: require(includes/classes/supertracker.php) [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/NAME.de/httpdocs/includes/application_top.php on line 621

[Thu Sep 03 10:52:02 2009] [error] [client] PHP Warning: require(includes/classes/supertracker.php) [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/NAME.de/httpdocs/includes/application_top.php on line 621

[Thu Sep 03 10:52:02 2009] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: require() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required 'includes/classes/supertracker.php' (include_path='.:') in /var/www/vhosts/NAME.de/httpdocs/includes/application_top.php on line 621


Can anyone tell me what’s wrong?

Or how to fix it?


Regards Javelin

Edited by JavelinHS
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OK one error message left


[Fri Sep 04 11:01:11 2009] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() in /var/www/vhosts/NAME.de/httpdocs/includes/geoip.inc on line 351


I hope someone know what to do


Regards Javelin

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finaly i made it :-)

i found these comment


Found it! It appears that two functions in the geoip.inc file are now included with PHP, so they were being declared twice. I had to comment out these two functions:



Hope this helps someone else.


and now it works, thanks to all who helped me

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  • 1 month later...

The supertracker is great the only thing missing i think is :


That it can see what Products Attributes were used ( size colour and so on ) , its becuase if a order dont go through you can see excatly what was in the cart , it would be nice if this feature would be added or if you could explain how i could do this thanks


Great Contribution :thumbsup:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Does anyone here already have a way to get supertracker to ignore all of the bad MSNbot ips?


I'm using the following but some of the ips do not resolve back correctly so I've stopped half the msnbots from being recorded.


The following I have added to the end of the exclude bots section of classes/supertracker.php:


$host_name = gethostbyaddr($ip_address);
if(preg_match("/search\.msn\.com$/", $host_name) || preg_match("/search\.live\.com$/", $host_name)){
//the hostname does belong to either search.msn.com or search.live.com.
//Remember the User Agent did not say it was a Bot.
//So it's a misbehaving spider.
 $record_session =  false;


Any help would be much appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

I just installed this contribution, but seem to have run into a snag. Right after completing the last new install step, I go to my site, and see this:


1364 - Field 'cart_contents' doesn't have a default value


INSERT INTO `supertracker` (`ip_address`, `browser_string`, `country_code`, `country_name`, `referrer`,`referrer_query_string`,`landing_page`,`exit_page`,`time_arrived`,`last_click`) VALUES ('','Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7 (ax)','', '', 'http://www.domain.com/', '','/catalog/index.php','/catalog/index.php','2005-12-04 00:43:52','2005-12-04 00:43:52')






Admin page is working fine.


Help is very much appreciated :thumbsup:


I've installed WAMP in my PC and starting osCommerce I've had the same error (1364 - Field 'cart_contents' doesn't have a default value); so my solution have been to change in the my.ini file (under \program files\mysql directory) the following line (the old one is remarked #)


# Set the SQL mode to strict



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i have installed the last supertracker contribution,


i have seen tha the ajax search suggest became slow with supertracker installed...


example : when i start to write on search box the word, ajax search suggest must be display the first 10 result founded with this key word...

but the time to wait to display this is 5sec...without is 0 seconds...


1 with supertracker installed and with require file of supertracker on application_top ajax search suggest is very slow.

2 with supertracker installed and with require file of supertracker COMMENTED // on application_top ajax search suggest return work fast.


do you know what is the problem...and how i can resolve it...

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I've just added the supertracker to my website but as soon as I add the lines to application_top.php I get the following error


Warning: main(../../Backup files/includes/configure.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/includes/application_top.php on line 28


Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '../../Backup files/includes/configure.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/includes/application_top.php on line 28


Line 28 is this


// include server parameters

require('../../Backup files/includes/configure.php');


but I have no idea what this refers to as everything has worked fine before and this has always been part of that file. Any ideas why this error should occur and what I can do about it?

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It was all working fine ever since I set this up (on 2 shops) and now when I try to view the last 10 visitors, I get the error message:


2006 - MySQL server has gone away


I have not touched/change anything. Any ideas why this is happening?




Edit: here's some more of the error:


2006 - MySQL server has gone away


select * from categories as c, categories_description as cd where c.categories_id=cd.categories_id and c.categories_id='62'




2006 - MySQL server has gone away


select count(*) as total from sessions where sesskey = 'I HAVE DELETED THIS'



Edited by Mr.81
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