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I had that exact problem on the previous page of this thread, I had to go into phpmyadmin and allow null values for that field in the database. Fixed it right up.


Hi thanks for a quick reply. It's almost 2am here now :). It worked once i turn it to NULL, but after clicking on a product another error pop up which is following:


1265 - Data truncated for column 'cart_total' at row 1


UPDATE supertracker set last_click='2005-12-16 02:01:11', exit_page='/doan-e-shop/index.php', num_clicks='2', added_cart='true', categories_viewed='b:0;', products_viewed='', customer_id='0', completed_purchase='false', cart_contents='a:1:{i:98;a:1:{s:3:"qty";i:1;}}', cart_total = '4.99', order_id = '0' where tracking_id='4'





I don't know why is that? I tried to changed that to NULL as well but it didn't help. Also once that error occurs, i can't even go back to the main page :(. But i noticed that if i delete the database info in Admin, to empty the history log, then i can go back to my site again.

But then as long as i start to click on any product, then the problems..come back..and hunts me down :(.


Please help...once again thank you for helping me out.



Best regards



Kevin Doan


Good morning everybody,


Could someone really please give me any hints or teach me how to prevent this error from coming up everytime i add a product into a cart please?


1265 - Data truncated for column 'cart_total' at row 1


UPDATE supertracker set last_click='2005-12-16 10:25:18', exit_page='/doan-e-shop/index.php', num_clicks='17', added_cart='true', categories_viewed='b:0;', products_viewed='*93?*90?', customer_id='9', completed_purchase='false', cart_contents='a:1:{i:90;a:1:{s:3:"qty";i:1;}}', cart_total = '19.99', order_id = '0' where tracking_id='28'




It's really bad because once the product is added into a product i can't even go to any pages in my site :( Not even one. I can only go to the admin side.


So if anyone have any idea or suggestions, i'm more than happy to hear and also very grateful.

Hope to hear from you soon,



Best regards




Kevin Doan

Good morning everybody,


Could someone really please give me any hints or teach me how to prevent this error from coming up everytime i add a product into a cart please?


1265 - Data truncated for column 'cart_total' at row 1


UPDATE supertracker set last_click='2005-12-16 10:25:18', exit_page='/doan-e-shop/index.php', num_clicks='17', added_cart='true', categories_viewed='b:0;', products_viewed='*93?*90?', customer_id='9', completed_purchase='false', cart_contents='a:1:{i:90;a:1:{s:3:"qty";i:1;}}', cart_total = '19.99', order_id = '0' where tracking_id='28'




It's really bad because once the product is added into a product i can't even go to any pages in my site :( Not even one. I can only go to the admin side.


So if anyone have any idea or suggestions, i'm more than happy to hear and also very grateful.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Best regards

Kevin Doan


You could try double checking that the data type of cart_total in the supertracker table is int(11).


If the data type you have is int(11) and is not working then try changing the data type to decimal(15,4).


If it still doesn't work then check your database settings to make sure that it understands the dot "." as the decimals separator (instead of the coma "," as it is in some countries).


Good luck!


You could try double checking that the data type of cart_total in the supertracker table is int(11).


If the data type you have is int(11) and is not working then try changing the data type to decimal(15,4).


If it still doesn't work then check your database settings to make sure that it understands the dot "." as the decimals separator (instead of the coma "," as it is in some countries).


Good luck!




Hi, thanks for a rapid respond! :) It works...thank you very much but could you please tell me why does this error pop ups just after i finish my Confirmation of the Order.




1264 - Out of range value adjusted for column 'products_id' at row 1


insert into products_notifications (products_id, customers_id, date_added) values ('', '4', now())





I try to change that row from INT 11 to 15,4 in decimal as well, but it didn't allow me to.

Sorry for buggin you again,



Best regards




Doan Kevin

Hi, thanks for a rapid respond! :) It works...thank you very much but could you please tell me why does this error pop ups just after i finish my Confirmation of the Order.

1264 - Out of range value adjusted for column 'products_id' at row 1


insert into products_notifications (products_id, customers_id, date_added) values ('', '4', now())



I try to change that row from INT 11 to 15,4 in decimal as well, but it didn't allow me to.

Sorry for buggin you again,

Best regards

Doan Kevin





Oh i also noticed that, that error only comes up if i leave the box unticked.




Your order has been successfully processed! Your products will arrive at their destination within 2-5 working days.


Please notify me of updates to the products I have selected below:


[bOX] Tu Quy Sai Gon 4 - Nguoi Ay & Toi Em Chon Ai



Thanks for shopping with us online!




But if that box is ticked that everything is fine, no error messages.

Could someone please help me with this problem. Thank you in advance.



Kevin Doan

Hi, thanks for a rapid respond! :) It works...thank you very much but could you please tell me why does this error pop ups just after i finish my Confirmation of the Order.

1264 - Out of range value adjusted for column 'products_id' at row 1


insert into products_notifications (products_id, customers_id, date_added) values ('', '4', now())



I try to change that row from INT 11 to 15,4 in decimal as well, but it didn't allow me to.

Sorry for buggin you again,

Best regards

Doan Kevin


But that table is not the supertracker table, why are you having issues on table products_notifications??? Is you intallation correct?


In any case, the problem seems to be that you checked the option to get notifications for the products you ordered, but it seems also that the product you ordered didn't have a "product_id" which creates the problem on the data base.


How is that you purchased a product without products_id? I don't know.

If you product you purchased has a products_id in the database, then the problem must be in your code... in which case almost for sure you have a "messy" installation.


Hope it helps.





How does Supertracker store the searched keywords?

Somehow this part is not working for me.

And I don't see any search columns in the supertracker database tables

But that table is not the supertracker table, why are you having issues on table products_notifications??? Is you intallation correct?


In any case, the problem seems to be that you checked the option to get notifications for the products you ordered, but it seems also that the product you ordered didn't have a "product_id" which creates the problem on the data base.


How is that you purchased a product without products_id? I don't know.

If you product you purchased has a products_id in the database, then the problem must be in your code... in which case almost for sure you have a "messy" installation.


Hope it helps.



Jo Jorge,


Thanks for your respond. It wasn't like this before, and i think when i install this osc it went all the way fine.

I have no idea what did happen to my database then since you said it's not the supertracker problem.

To be honest i just check Expected Products in admin, i get this message:



1292 - Incorrect datetime value: '' for column 'products_date_available' at row 59


update products set products_date_available = '' where to_days(now()) > to_days(products_date_available)






I really don't now what has cause this problem since i didn't have it before.

Oh and you were talking about the product ID, i'm not 10)% what did you mean by that, because in my database, i can see that each item has its own ID number. Something like this i can see in my database via phpmyadmin:



products_id customers_id date_added

28 9 2005 -12-16 14:34:05

32 9 2005 -12-12 11:53:12



Doesn't this mean that my products have ID or not? And may i ask you that does those products ID get added automatically everytime i add a new product?


Hope you could help me out, i will be very very greatful if you could help me to fix this problem.


Best regards and have a nice evening.


Kevin Doan


hi.. i had an old version installed and had trouble with the PPC part working, probably as i have register globals=off hack, but as soon as i installed the newest version, it has worked without modifying anycode :D thankyou!!

Posted (edited)


finally I've got the ppc-Section working ==> just one last problem: only the reports of the very first campagne work as they should.


Maybe I'm still wrong with my interpretation of the admin/supertracker.php (Example):


I found this snippet in this suppert thread:

// $ppc = array ('ooglead1' => array ('title' => 'oogle Adwords Ad Group 1', 'keywords' => 'sug:sugar,spi:spice,hon:honey'),
// 'ooglead2' => array('title' => 'oogle Adwords Ad Group 2', 'keywords' => 'sal:salt,pep:pepper;ket:ketchup'));


I think in more general terms it means:

// $ppc = array ('equal to ref -in your URL &ref=- => array ('title' => 'Shown in the report as keyword_friendly_name -just the title of your campagne-', 'keywords' => 'equal to key (in your URL &keyw=):longform of your keyword -just a word-'));


Well, if my first campagne is for example oogleads the reports are fine, but the report of my second campagne for example xyz is missing.


Changing the order of campagnes results in campagne xyz reports are fine, oogleads reports are missing.


I can't find the reason for this. but im sure i made something wrong.

Any help appreciated


Edited by erdm?nnchen

Hi there,


i checked the admin/supertracker.php again and again.


i found out, when i use the SQL-statement of the ppc-section

SELECT *, count(*) as count, AVG(num_clicks) as ave_clicks, AVG(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_click) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time_arrived))/60 as ave_time from supertracker where landing_page like '%ref=" . $ref_code . "&keyw=" . $keyword_code . "%' group by landing_page

with phpmyadmin and use my ref_code and keyword_code, i get the right results.


In supertracker reports i only get for the first ref correct reports, all others only show the result of one $ppc_num_refs correct.


It seems, as if the loop

foreach ($keyword_array as $key => $val)

doesn't work correct. It runs only one time, though there are more rows for this keyword as the direct sql-statement in phpmyadmin shows.


Maybe that's the clue to a solution.


Any help appreciated



Installed it, and took some time to get it working on the admin side (turns out there are some differences between the instructions for already modified stores and the files for a 'clean install'). Once that was figured out, the reports started happening just fine.


However, it took down the storefront. When accessing the store, all I would get was:


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/akdreame/public_html/osstore/includes/classes/supertracker.php on line 76


Looked at the obvious (unwanted spaces, reloaded whole file, reinstalled the entire package). Then, in desperation I started to de-install it. I started with taking out this code in /catalog/includes/application_top.php:



//Do the superstats business	
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'supertracker.php');
$tracker = new supertracker;


Now I have my store back. And that's without taking out anything else. I've tried placing this code in different places in the file, but no luck. For now I'm going to go ahead and de-install everything.


If anyone comes up with some ideas on what happened, I might try again. Just thought I would throw this out there.






I have a big problem.


i have installed supertracker 3.1. today in a blank oc 2.2


Now i have follow, when i start my store:


Warning: fopen(includes/GeoIP.dat): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 322


Warning: ftell(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 276


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 277


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 279


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 303


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 311


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Warning: fseek(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 394


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 396


Fatal error: error traversing database - perhaps it is corrupt? in /homepages/3/d32157497/htdocs/os_shop2/catalog/includes/geoip.inc on line 416






Thomas (Germany)



I have a big problem.


i have installed supertracker 3.1. today in a blank oc 2.2


Now i have follow, when i start my store:



Thomas (Germany)



I Have the file named geoip.dat.

Correct is GeoIP.dat




Hi everyone,

Does anyone know how well super tracker really works???

When I go through to see all my visitors from the previous day - it says half my visitors (and I mean genuine visitors, not bots) were on my site for 0mins and 0seconds and 1clicks... What does that mean? Is anyone else having this problem? Or is it saying that the webpage is not loading up for some people?

Cheers Timon

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know how well super tracker really works???

When I go through to see all my visitors from the previous day - it says half my visitors (and I mean genuine visitors, not bots) were on my site for 0mins and 0seconds and 1clicks... What does that mean? Is anyone else having this problem? Or is it saying that the webpage is not loading up for some people?

Cheers Timon


Supertracker works pretty well for me! It looks like half the people that arrive to your site leave before clicking on any other link. You really need to create a compelling customer value proposition to entice visitors to shop around and ultmately close the sale.


Hi great contribution I installed a few weeks ago and its working great but today this has happened:


1016 - Can't open file: 'supertracker.MYI'. (errno: 145)


select * from supertracker where browser_string ='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0)' and ip_address like '82.1%' and last_click > '2005-12-28 07:12:11'




Any ideas on how to fix it?

Posted (edited)
Eh? It's already in there!


Have alook at catalog/includes/classes/supertracker.php


and the very first function around line 24 allows you to exclude bots. This is what mine looks like:


//// **** CONFIGURATION SECTION  **** ////

  //Comma Separate List of IPs which should not be recorded, for instance, your own PCs IP address, or 
 //that of your server if you are using Cron Jobs, etc
  $excluded_ips = '';

// list is: MSNBOT

Just add more ip address separated by commas.




Should the IPs be all within the same '', or not? Like this:

$excluded_ips = '','';


or like this:

$excluded_ips = ',';



Edited by Sid04
Hi great contribution I installed a few weeks ago and its working great but today this has happened:


1016 - Can't open file: 'supertracker.MYI'. (errno: 145)


select * from supertracker where browser_string ='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0)' and ip_address like '82.1%' and last_click > '2005-12-28 07:12:11'




Any ideas on how to fix it?




It seems likely that your supertracker table has become corrupted. You may find that the only way to overcome this is to drop the table and then recreate it again. Unfortunately this means that you will lose all the data in it.







or like this:

$excluded_ips = ',';


Hi Sid,


it's the one I have quoted above, i.e., everything in one set of quotes. Not sure if this approach is going to be that easy though as each bot has a long list of IP addresses that "it" uses. Probably the better way would be to string match on Browser Ident using things like "googlebot" and "inktomi" - a small adjustment to the If loop that checks for excluded IPs would be all that is required.


I downloaded Supertracker last week but I wanted to check for new versions today before I install it.. But its gone from the contributions area!? Just want to know why. Are there som risks / should I not use Supertracker? Thanks!

I downloaded Supertracker last week but I wanted to check for new versions today before I install it.. But its gone from the contributions area!? Just want to know why. Are there som risks / should I not use Supertracker? Thanks!


Hmmm, good point - not sure why that is. No doubt someone who knows better than I will be able to provide an explanation.


To exlude ip's and robots I made this change!

it seems to work.


//Comma Separate List of IPs which should not be recorded, for instance, your own PCs IP address, or

//that of your server if you are using Cron Jobs, etc

$excluded_ips = ',,,,,66.194.6.
















$record_session = true;

$ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];


if ($excluded_ips != '') {

$ex_array = explode(',',$excluded_ips);

foreach ($ex_array as $key => $ex_ip) {

if ($ip_address == $ex_ip) $record_session = false;



/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// exclude robots

$record_session = true;


$arr = array("ask jeeves", "atomz", "blackwidow", "bot", "boxseabot", "bspider", "christcrawler", "combine", "coolbot", "cruiser", "desertrealm", "deepindex", "digger", "diibot", "dnabot", "exactseek", "fast-webcrawler", "fido", "freecrawl", "geckobot", "green research", "googlebot", "gulliver", "turnitinbot", "ia_archiver", "infoseek", "inktomisearch", "israelisearch", "lycos", "mac finder", "marvin", "msnbot", "muncher", "ndspider", "netscoop", "netsearch", "psbot", "rambler.ru", "river valley", "robot", "scooter", "seeker", "slurp", "smartspider", "speedy", "spiderman", "tarantula", "wanderer", "wz101", "yahoo", "yellowpet");

foreach ($arr as $bot) {

if (eregi($bot, $agent)) {

$bot_here = "1";



if ($bot_here == "1") {

$record_session = false;





I toke the code from


Originalscript von: Jonathan Charpie http://jonathan.charpie.com/?dir=342727009JCSALT-02


Anpassung an osCommerce durch Isar IT - http://www.isar-it.de


DEMOVERSION unter http://www.isar-programmierer.de

To exlude ip's and robots I made this change!

it seems to work.


Looks great, but I think you made one mistake. You should remove the $record_session = true; in this section:


/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// exclude robots
$record_session = true;


Otherwise, your excluded IP's will not be excluded.


Great recommendation.





Sean Johnson


Oke, thanks for the reply.

fact is, I don't know nothing about about coding! therefore this mistake!

I'm just using my common sense to solve problems!

I hate the fact that every day I have to add new Ip's to get rid of googlebots in my supertracker results!

Well, guys, enjoy this great supertracker contrib!

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