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Support Thread for Supertracker Contribution


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we used supertracker and it worked like a dream. However, yesterday we moved to a more powerful server. Now our supertracker reports only deliver blank results (I checked the database and supertracker is still collecting information, but it is not displayed anymore if I e.g. select last 10 visitors).

I thought it was a problem with permissions and set pretty much all supertracker files to full access.


Do you have any suggestions?


Thank you,




Please let me know if you have any idea why supertracker would not work (reports don't produce any results) anymore after move to another server,


Thank you,



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Thanks for the great contribution.


I seem to be having trouble using the search strings to filter the referers. I am trying to filter all the search engine bots and crawlers. I have tried typing in googlebot and "googlebot" and (googlebot) it just makes everything disappear from the last 10 customers page I just want to get rid of the search engines so that I can see what is being looked at clearly.


Any help would be appreciated.






I am also facing the problem of bots taking up db space. Has anyone figured out how to filter them out of the results?

Thanks in advance.

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I've installed this contribution with no problem - it's a fantastic resource.


My one issue is I cannot figure out how to add an Agent - I've read the Agent guide and tried using the myshop.com\?rep=xx landing page and even done a demo purchase but I still have no Agent - can anyone tell me how to get an agent.

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I've installed this contribution with no problem - it's a fantastic resource.


My one issue is I cannot figure out how to add an Agent - I've read the Agent guide and tried using the myshop.com\?rep=xx landing page and even done a demo purchase but I still have no Agent - can anyone tell me how to get an agent.



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I've installed this contribution with no problem - it's a fantastic resource.


My one issue is I cannot figure out how to add an Agent - I've read the Agent guide and tried using the myshop.com\?rep=xx landing page and even done a demo purchase but I still have no Agent - can anyone tell me how to get an agent.

How did you conduct the test?

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How did you conduct the test?


I followed the instructions in the agent readme - but possibly I have misunderstood.


I arrived at my site at the URL: www.mydomain.co.uk/catalog/rep?=Fred


I thought this would add Fred to the database in the new agent field - perhaps I am not doing the test right - I just have agent number 1.





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I followed the instructions in the agent readme - but possibly I have misunderstood.


I arrived at my site at the URL: www.mydomain.co.uk/catalog/rep?=Fred


I thought this would add Fred to the database in the new agent field - perhaps I am not doing the test right - I just have agent number 1.





Did you do the agent_update.rtf changes?

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Did you do the agent_update.rtf changes?


Sorry a true case of a blond moment - did upload the changed files - now working fantastically - thanks for bearing with me.


Fantastic contribution!

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Sorry a true case of a blond moment - did upload the changed files - now working fantastically - thanks for bearing with me.


Fantastic contribution!

Easy to miss things, but I agree, it is a great contribution.

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Yup it's not looking for /includes/geoip.inc


It's looking for includes/GeoIP.dat

I'm getting the same error. Where do I change the code so it's looking for the right file?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hopfully someone can help me with this problem.


I just installed Supertracker v3.2b It looks like it will work, If I go to the admin area, I can see on the reports section the supertracker and the types of report I can run, however on my site once when I type my index URL I just get a blank page?? I noticed that if I remove the following code:

//Do the superstats business

require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'supertracker.php');

$tracker = new supertracker;



from /catalog/includes/application_top.php then my site works again?


Any idea why this may be happening?


Any advice is greatly appreciated.



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Thank for kode but i have a problem > enter my www then i get This


1054 - Unknown column 'agent' in 'field list'


INSERT INTO `supertracker` (`ip_address`, `browser_string`, `country_code`, `country_name`, `referrer`,`referrer_query_string`,`landing_page`,`exit_page`,`time_arrived`,`last_click`, `agent`) VALUES ('','Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; InfoPath.1)','dk', 'Denmark', '', '','/','/index.php','2008-06-25 23:26:30','2008-06-25 23:26:30','')



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I think I botched the install. Looks all ok but I get zero reports on supertracker.php. The only part of the install I don't quite understand is this:


"You will also need to add this new box in Administrator -> File Access from the admin menu."


Where is this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone, <_<

This is my second post about my problem, hopefully someone can help me this time as I have a live site and I really need the stats of where my customers are coming from? Your answer I'm sure will help not only me but others as well.


Here is my problem.

If I add the following code to my catalog/includes/application_top.php

//Do the superstats business

require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'supertracker.php');

$tracker = new supertracker;


When I type on a browser my website URL I get a blank page, if I remove the code I can see my website again.


Please helpppppppppppp.

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DELETE from supertracker ORDER by tracking_id ASC LIMIT


Seems as if this issue hasn't been solved yet. I too am experiencing this issue, and as indicated it has to do with the version of mysql that is being used. From the mysql documentation:

ORDER BY can be used with DELETE beginning with MySQL 4.0.0.


I'm using mysql ver 3.23.x so the delete code in Supertracker:

DELETE from supertracker ORDER by tracking_id ASC LIMIT " . $rows_to_delete;

won't work.



We could figure out what the lowest tracker_id numbers are and start to delete based on those. However, if you use this code instead:

DELETE from supertracker limit ".$rows_to_delete;

This works for me, as it did delete the lowest numbered row (when I had $rows_to_delete = 1).



Since tracker_id is the primary key in the table, if you don't give the query an ORDER BY, won't it default to ordering by the primary key in the ASC order? If this is true, then the above suggested code should work just fine. Question remains... will the table ever be ordered by some other column?

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@Cool >> Did you paste:


//Do the superstats business

require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'supertracker.php');

$tracker = new supertracker;



just before the last ?> in application_top.php ?

Edited by stephano6
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in admin/supertracker.php for Last ten Visitors,


to: Customers Cart : (value=6.00) :




the price is wrong because it is home to 6.30,

even if I change to 6.10 / 6.50 / 6.90 / it remains to 6.00 (prices in euro)


how to debug?


Thank you



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@Cool >> Did you paste:


//Do the superstats business

require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'supertracker.php');

$tracker = new supertracker;



just before the last ?> in application_top.php ?

Hi Williams,

Thanks for replying.

My problem is that if I add the code you mentioned above, when I type my URL, the index page shows blank. When I remove the code I can see my site as normal?

On the admin side it appears like everything will function properly once this puzzle gets solve as I can’t see any errors, at least for now. It shows the following but I’m assuming is because is not tracking anything yet.

Database Info: the Supertracker database currently holds 0 rows (oldest record : )


Do you have any idea what other file may be causing the problem that once I add the code on catalog/application_top.php the index page display blank?


Any advice from you or anyone will be greatly appreciated.


Cool :huh:

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Try to narrow it down. In application_top.php just add the first line

require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'supertracker.php');

then save the file and see if you are having the same problem with a blank index page (if the index page is blank, what about an interior page like /contact_us.php ???).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi, I wonder if anybody experienced this or similar scenario:

Our site is unavailable completely, when I try to see any page, I'm receiving SQL error:

145 - Table './mysite04/supertracker' is marked as crashed and should be repaired


when I view the database structure in phpMyAdmin, I see that the table supertracker table is "in use". I am however unable to browse it:



SQL query: Edit


SHOW INDEX FROM `supertracker` ;


MySQL said: Documentation

#145 - Table './mysite04/supertracker' is marked as crashed and should be repaired


When I try to repair the table, I receive this message:

mysite04.supertracker repair Error Table './mysite04/supertracker' is marked as cra...

mysite04.supertracker repair Error Table 'supertracker' is marked as crashed and shou...

mysite04.supertracker repair status Table is already up to date


Does anybody know:


a/how to repair/fix the table as I'm unable to fix it via phpMyAdmin

b/ how to avoid this from happening in the future?

Edited by mr_absinthe

Absinthe Original Liquor Store

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It's not uncommon for heavily accessed tables to become corrupted. It happens fairly often to the sessions table. If you can't repair it using phpmyadmin, then it would have to be replaced. There may be tools on the web to fix such a table but the cost and time needed for that wouldn't be worth it in my opinion since you are losing important data by replacing it. If you are concerned about losing that though, you can see if your host has a backup, or maybe you have one, that you can copy that table from. Then you wouldn't lose all of it.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey there,


I've got a problem when install this contr.



1054 - Unknown column 'agent' in 'field list'


INSERT INTO `supertracker` (`ip_address`, `browser_string`, `country_code`, `country_name`,


`referrer`,`referrer_query_string`,`landing_page`,`exit_page`,`time_arrived`,`last_click`, `agent`)


VALUES ('','Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:


Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3','us', 'United States', 'http://brand-n-


style.com/admin/supertracker.php', 'report=success_refer','/','/index.php','2008-10-07


20:09:09','2008-10-07 20:09:09','')





anyone can help me pls. I've been looking for kind of this tracking system long time


Thanks in advance


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