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Configuring Images


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I know in the control panel part where you can set the image size of your images, and it makes them all the same throughout the cart...


I was wondering if there is any way to make them so that the images don't look squashed, etc. when I use different sized pictures for my products.


I don't want EVERY SINGLE small picture to be 100 x 100 pixels, I want it to be whatever size the actual picture is...maybe even squashed to scale, but not squashed so it looks weird, does that make sense?


Does anyone know how to do this? or do ALL of my pictures have to be the same size throughout the whole cart? I'm not talking the sizes of the small, medium, large previews...I'm talking about each product having a different size small preview or large preview depending on the picture that I upload.

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PERFECT!! That is EXACTLY what I needed!


I actually just removed all of the numbers for pixel height and width and now it adusts according to the product.


Thanks soooo much!

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