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header help


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i forgot the pro's walk all over newbies?????


Not at all, you might have gotten the answer you wanted if you'd worded your question better.


Such as I?d like to create a header but I have no idea where to start can someone please point me in the right direction with a url where I can read up on how they are created.

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Not at all, you might have gotten the answer you wanted if you'd worded your question better.


Such as I?d like to create a header but I have no idea where to start can someone please point me in the right direction with a url where I can read up on how they are created.


ok :o

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A few suggestions would have been nicer than picking on the way a question was asked.


MJB, if you need more help or suggestions after that PM last night just post the questions here. I am sure someone will have a suggestion or idea.


It just helps if you are specific in your questions.

Like how do you get the shopping cart in the header, how do you change something and so on.


Good luck :)

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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