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Zero-rated child clothing sizes


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I'm new to this forum. I'm working on a UK-based client's site selling clothing. The client is about to become VAT registered.


The problem is that some of the products are available in a range of sizes that include both child and adult sizes. In the UK, children's clothing is zero-rated for VAT but adults' clothing is subject to standard-rate VAT. I see that in Admin under Products Attributes there is the facility to vary price, but not tax rate. Is there an easy way to achieve this? I have searched contribs but found nothing relevant.


I'm guessing that my options are...

(1) Add a field to products_attributes for tax class and work through every bit of code that deals with prices to ensure the correct rate is applied. I suspect this will involve more work than the client will be prepared to pay for.

(2) Persuade the client to have separate product entries for child sizes versus adult sizes.


How do other UK-based sites deal with this? Thanks in advance for any advice,



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