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What is this? Never seen it before!


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Looks like someone trying to inject some code into your site. The site go0gler.com is either a hacker site or is a site that has already been hacked (took a look from behind my very good firewall!).



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They'll be looking for out of date, or exploitable (often the same thing) forum software most likely. If you have any such software and it's out of date then I'd think about upgrading.


Also make sure that the version of php your web hosting is running is either 4.3.10 (patched), 4.3.11, 4.4 or 5+. Anything less than 4.3.10(patched) is exploitable.


And finally make sure that your 'admin' folder is password protected and with a good (long) password.



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Hi Rhea,


PHP Version 4.4 so I hopefully should be ok!


My admin is protected using cpanel so I am keeping my fingers crossed.



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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