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How do you remove the corners from boxes??


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Hi everyone,

I've just changed the left & right column headers titles featured

in the basic osC theme ("categories", "what's new", ..., and replaced

them by images (transparent GIF images)

... BUT... There's still the basic grey "corners" images (I think they're

named "right_corner.gif and left_corner.gif) showing up...

And I don't know how to remove them :'(

I guess it has something to do with the classes/boxes.php file but

I can't understand what part of the code I need to modify...

Can someone help me?? :blink:

Thanks for reading :thumbsup:


Always need help :(

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Make the corner gif images transparent also and the problem is solved. Or you can go to includes/boxes/ and go through each box and where you see 'true, true' etc just change to 'false' false'



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Make the corner gif images transparent also and the problem is solved.  Or you can go to includes/boxes/ and go through each box and where you see 'true, true' etc just change to 'false' false'




Well, I've already tried the 2nd solution and changed the value

by 'false, false'... and believe it or not, it doesn't work :'(


Always need help :(

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You can take your pixel_trans.gif and rename it corner left and right and whatever else and just replace the original images with the new ones. This will remove the corners, make it match your background and will remove the space between the side of the box and the beginning of the word. If you want there to be a space just make a new transparent image the size you want and use that to replace the corners.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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