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I know you're all going to think this is nuts. I did update my ECHO payment module last year.


BUT! Using either of the Direct Deposit Settings "Y" or "N" will not check for a proper CVV code!


The program looks for only looks for the code "AD" !!!!!


Setting the Direct Deposit to "Y" changes the code to "AV".

Setting the Direct Deposit to "N" changes the code to "EV".



If ever there was reason for a class action suit against a company this is it! They (ECHO) wrote the damn modules used at osC.

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I'm so angry I reversed the result display it should have been this one. Either way no matter what you set it won't do you expect it to do. I updated last year with the last module from 1993 because the November version was not available at the time. BUT STILL!! This should *NEVER* HAPPEN! This code has been in use for years. Echo doesn't care as long as they have someone to suck the money out of they're happy I have to assume it is the same way with all online credit card companies.


Setting the Direct Deposit to "N" changes the code to "AV".

Setting the Direct Deposit to "Y" changes the code to "EV".

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I'm so angry I reversed the result display it should have been this one. Either way no matter what you set it won't do you expect it to do. I updated last year with the last module from 1993 because the November version was not available at the time. BUT STILL!! This should *NEVER* HAPPEN! This code has been in use for years. Echo doesn't care as long as they have someone to suck the money out of they're happy I have to assume it is the same way with all online credit card companies.


Setting the Direct Deposit to "N" changes the code to "AV".

Setting the Direct Deposit to "Y" changes the code to "EV".


PS. CVV codes are never checked under any condition the faulty AVS code exists in 1.7.4 as well. Sigh..

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PS. CVV codes are never checked under any condition the faulty AVS code exists in 1.7.4 as well. Sigh..


Here's the code correction for the broken echo_class.php modules:

// AVS CODE="AV" was never being checked !! Corrected 2005-08-16 ****


if ($this->transaction_type == "AD" or $this->transaction_type == "AS" or

$this->transaction_type == "AV" or

$this->transaction_type == "ES" or $this->transaction_type == "EV")




if (($this->avs_result == "X" or $this->avs_result == "Y" or


$this->avs_result == "D" or $this->avs_result == "M") and

// CVV was never being checked !! Corrected 2005-08-16 ****

$this->security_result == "M")


Insert above code right after:

if ($this->status == "G" or $this->status == "R")

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