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I have a quick issue that I am hoping someone else has encountered, and has a solution to..

I have been editing some of the files, basically just changing layout and colors, stylesheet stuff. One of the things that I removed was the images in the side box headings (not sure if that has anything to do with this). Now, what I see in the Categories box heading is the text "1Categories". I have been unable to figure out where this number 1 is coming from. It is only in the Categories box heading. The files /includes/classes/boxes.php and /includes/boxes/categories.php seemed logical places to look, but I do not see anything in either file that should put a "1" in front of the heading text. I thought perhaps it might be indicating the number of categories, but I have 2, so that doesn't make sense either.

Any suggestions on where to look or how to further troubleshoot this?




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I figured out how to correct this, so I am posting the fix for others who encounter this issue:


Edit the file /includes/boxes/categories.php.

Find this:

  $info_box_contents = array();
 $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES);
 new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, true, false);

Edit the third line in that block and change the second parameter to false:

  new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, false);

This worked for me, removing the "1" by the Categories heading.

If someone is able to explain why this worked, I would be appreciative.




I have a quick issue that I am hoping someone else has encountered, and has a solution to..

I have been editing some of the files, basically just changing layout and colors, stylesheet stuff.  One of the things that I removed was the images in the side box headings (not sure if that has anything to do with this). Now, what I see in the Categories box heading is the text "1Categories". I have been unable to figure out where this number 1 is coming from. It is only in the Categories box heading. The files /includes/classes/boxes.php and /includes/boxes/categories.php seemed logical places to look, but I do not see anything in either file that should put a "1" in front of the heading text. I thought perhaps it might be indicating the number of categories, but I have 2, so that doesn't make sense either.

Any suggestions on where to look or how to further troubleshoot this?




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The file responsible for it is classes\boxes.php

The true, false parameters you were passing are interpreted as corner flags for the box. I am not sure how your store is customized to handle every case but you could look function 'InfoBoxHeading' for this problem.

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