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The e-commerce.

Documentation for Editting Layout


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I am totally new to the osCommerce and I am hoping that it is the solution for a client of mine.


I am a Graphic Designer/Web Designer wiht knowledge of html, css and the likes but no real practical knowledge of PHP.


I was hoping to us osCommerce because it is provided by the host I use for this particular client. Here is my problem. I would like to make the store or shopping cart fit the look and feel of the site I have already created for this client, but I have not found any sort of documentation on how to change the layout. Or for that matter any documentation on how to use the store at all.


The links on the site and the downloadable documentation leads to a empty page.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Well, this is a tough one. I think everyone here at one time had this same question. But here is what I figured out,


1) Open the stylesheet and make the color and font changes there.Stylesheet Definitions

2) All the .php files in the main store directory, /catalog/(here), mainly are used to define the tables and "backbone" if you will of the site.

3) All the .php files in the /catalog/includes/ are definition files, (what gets parsed into the tables defined in 2) and this is where alot of the customizing takes place.


Beings that tis is open source, OSC team doesn't support "customizing" because everyone has a different idea of what they want. My advise is to do what I did, install OSC fresh and leave your previous install alone and use the new install to "play around" and use the first install as a backup, incase you make a change that you can't undo. Customizing isn't to hard after you get the hang of what and where all the files are located.


Get familliar with all that and then you will find come accross more specific questions and will get a better response from the forum.


I wish I could help further but.. I hope this helps.


~Jaymz :)

James Scheller

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