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showing info only for webmaster


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Hi all,


I once made it so a Current Parse Time and how many queries showing up at the bottom (footer). But now there's no need customers see this, so i want to set it up that only i can see it.


How is the best way to do that?


Checking if your logedin or something? (maybe you can assign it to the session when you can only c it when the 'webmaster' logsin?)


Or simply by checking for an ip?? And then allow only this ip to show it??


Can someone help me pls?


Kind Regards,


Even in this dark place, yes, I am afraid of my own shadow.




Contributions | KnowledgeBase | osCommerce 2.2 pdf

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or just add a debug flag, or the easiest trick of all, change the font color to match the background ... so you only see it if you are looking for it, selecting the text


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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Hum, is there no way you can just hide it for everyone but show it if I am logged in?? I mean i'm sure there is a way - cause i'm not only need the parse time to hide - but also the print_r i have running now and then in my shoppingcart - the shop has to go online soon - but you wont be able to order anything, yet i still have to continue working on it... it would mean a great help to me - if i could work on it live withouth people noticing anything :s


I know, this might not be the best way - I do test localy now and then too.. but i prefer on my live site - since i'm then realy sure if it works or not.....


There's no problem in it, since visitors wont see any price nor a buy button :D


Kind regards....



Even in this dark place, yes, I am afraid of my own shadow.




Contributions | KnowledgeBase | osCommerce 2.2 pdf

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Another alternative


Rather than echo the parse time to the browser, make it an HTML comment so that you (or anyone else) only see's it when you 'view source'.


If you really want it displayed, you could script it to only echo dependent upon IP address or your cookie. But this is OTT


M-Pro :blush:

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