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Where is IP recording code located?


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Hi mates,


Is the there away to record and show via webpage someone's logged IP address?


I want scare off potential threats attempting to access my files and dirctories in the /public_html/ area.


I hope someone here has created a security php script for this purpose. I've looked n the contributes area an didn't see anything. ;) I may have over looked something any help would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks to all in this great forum..






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Thank you Steve that's what I was looking!


However, I was looking for a security script to protect my directors. I did a Google search a IP recorder et a down this free program.


I will post this information in the hopes it help someone else! You can view an example of this secure IP recorder.


Step one

Download the PHP script here.



Here's a brief description


This IP Recorder System from Dynamic-IP.info is the #1 Way to keep your site secure! It logs vistors ip address's, date of access and complies it all into a MySQL database using PHP! This then enables you to login to a password-protected Admin Panel to view logs of your visitors and also lets you Ban IP address's from your website!


Much once you have configured and uploaded the script.


Just add the PHP code to a custom web page named index.php and add it to the directory of your choice.


Here's a working example.



Below is the HTML code from that web page. Please note where the PHP code is placed in this page.


I hope this helps.




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Here's the HTML code






<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">



<title>Untitled Document</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">




<div align="center"><br>


<p><font size="7" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></font></p>

<p><font size="7" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><em><strong>"404

Error Permission Denied"</strong></em></font><img src="http://www.azatiracing.com/html/572.jpg" width="600" height="400"><br>

<strong><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Your IP Address

has been logged!</font></strong></p>



echo "Your IP: $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]";






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