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Inserting image map in header & setting page width


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I have 2 questions:


1. How do you insert an image map on the header image in the includes/header. php file. This is what I currently have:


<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

<tr class="header">

<td valign="middle"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . '../images/header-store.jpg', 'Action Figure Archive Store') . '</a>'; ?></td>




I don't want the entire image to link to anything, just the hotspots. Now this is what I would use in normal html, so I need to know how to adjust it so it works in place of the above code:


<map name="FPMap0">

<area href="../index.htm" shape="rect" coords="26, 59, 152, 73" alt="Figure Archive">

<area href="http://actionfiguresca.proboards43.com/" shape="rect" coords="178, 60, 246, 72" alt="Forums">

<area href="../contact.htm" shape="rect" coords="509, 59, 601, 73" alt="Contact Us">

<area href="../links.htm" shape="rect" coords="639, 59, 689, 73" alt="Other Websites"></map><img border="0" src="file:///G:/Website%20Templates/afa/images/header-store.jpg" usemap="#FPMap0" alt="Action Figure Archive Store" width="752" height="76">


2. I also wanted to know how to make the width of my store pages be 750 pixels no matter what resollution someone has there monitor set to (not set to 100% as it currently is). The pages should be centered and also have all the margins replaced on all sides. I took out the margin variables in catalog/index.php and it didn't seem to do anything. Thanks in advance for the help.

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