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Fake email addresses? T_T


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I was wondering if anyone could point out if this is possible. Are we able to require that customers enter real email working addresses? I've been getting lots of customers who do not give real email addresses and I cannot further contact them.


Is there a way to validate emails?


Greatest thanks!


Snowheart chan

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When they create an account, think about this:


1/ The site creates a random password for them.

2/ The site logs them out with a "check your email address" message.

3/ The email contains their password.

4/ When they get their password they can log back into their cart and complete the checkout procedure.


Of course, doing the above may be enough to make shoppers buy elsewhere so weigh up the advantages and disadvantages before going forward.


You can also look at my "banned emails" contribution.

You can also try turning on DNS checking in the Verify Emails section of your Admin.

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When they create an account, think about this:


1/ The site creates a random password for them.

2/ The site logs them out with a "check your email address" message.

3/ The email contains their password.

4/ When they get their password they can log back into their cart and complete the checkout procedure.


Of course, doing the above may be enough to make shoppers buy elsewhere so weigh up the advantages and disadvantages before going forward.


You can also look at my "banned emails" contribution.

You can also try turning on DNS checking in the Verify Emails section of your Admin.


Wow thanks Burt for replying. Yea you would be right, that would turn customers away as they have to go to the hassle of looking through the catalog again.


I actually turned on DNS checking in the Verify emails section, but I am not sure if it helps at all? What does it do, since people could still use fake email addresses?


Snowheart chan^.^

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Put simply, DNS checking simply checks that the email address domain is "live". It doesn't help at all with fake emails, as all someone would have to is use:


[email protected] (for example). hotmail.com would pass DNS check...


There's not an awful lot you can do about it to be honest, other than use the "random PW +email" method I explained...

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Put simply, DNS checking simply checks that the email address domain is "live".  It doesn't help at all with fake emails, as all someone would have to is use:


[email protected] (for example).  hotmail.com would pass DNS check...


There's not an awful lot you can do about it to be honest, other than use the "random PW +email" method I explained...


Ah, thank you Burt!^^

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