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SSL and Yahoo hosting


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Does anyone know how to set the configure.php for ssl on a yahoo hosted site and were to put the ssl folder in the file manager?


Thank you much.

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Whoever you are hosted by you either need access to a shared ssl certificate provided by your host (in this case Yahoo), or else your site needs to have its own dedicated ip address and then you purchase and install a full ssl certificate yourself or get your host to do it for you.



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From Yahoo:


"Yahoo! Web Hosting allows you to share Yahoo!'s SSL secure server with 128-bit encryption so that you can protect confidential data passed between the browser and the server. SSL encrypts information while it is transmitted, thus preventing unauthorized users from accessing phone numbers, addresses, or other confidential information ? very important when gathering information from your site visitors through an email form, for example. When you place the form in a secure directory, the form data will be encrypted when the user submits it, thus adding an extra layer of protection."


Here are the instructions they give:


1. Open your File Manager, click "Create Subdirectory," and name it "ssl." (Note: All letters must be in lowercase.)


2. Place the web pages and forms you want to protect into the ssl subdirectory. (Note: Be sure to update any links that refer to those files.)


3. View the secure pages at your domain:




Your site will then redirect to our secure server so that information submitted from the secure pages will be encrypted. The domain address in your browser's location field will look like this:



The "s" in https is the secure version of the http protocol. It uses SSL to transport data between systems. "https://s.hostingprod.com" is Yahoo!'s SSL secure server.




What I need help with is how to set up my /catalog/includes/configure.php file and were to put the ssl folder? It sounds like it should go here: catalog/ssl???

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It looks, from the above, that the https_server and https_catalog_server addresses in your two configure.php files should be:



Your DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG should then be '/'

Your HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH should be'/'


The problem is going to be your https_cookie_domain, which should be (according to what they say):


However, I have doubts that that will work.


You will also have to duplicate all of your website folders/files in the 'ssl' folder (in the root of your web by the look of it), and update both sets of files whenever you make a change.


I would never have chosen Yahoo (or Lycos) to host an osCommerce website!



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It looks, from the above, that the https_server and https_catalog_server addresses in your two configure.php files should be:



Your DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG should then be '/'

Your HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH should be'/'


The problem is going to be your https_cookie_domain, which should be (according to what they say):


However, I have doubts that that will work.


You will also have to duplicate all of your website folders/files in the 'ssl' folder (in the root of your web by the look of it), and update both sets of files whenever you make a change.


I would never have chosen Yahoo (or Lycos) to host an osCommerce website!



Thanks I'll give that a try. The only part I want encrypted is the store checkout. Could I then only copy the checkout files to the ssl folder?

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osCommerce, by default, only encrypts those pages in the storefront that need encrypting, but there are so many interactions taking place it's simpler to copy all folders/files to the ssl folder.


You do want to use SSL for your 'admin' folder - trust me on this!!



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osCommerce, by default, only encrypts those pages in the storefront that need encrypting, but there are so many interactions taking place it's simpler to copy all folders/files to the ssl folder.


You do want to use SSL for your 'admin' folder - trust me on this!!




Nope, it didn't work.

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Well, all you can do then is to try this:


and use it in place of:



I can't see how customers will see an ssl padlock on the page when going from an http page. It looks as though this shared ssl is only for limited use. I would be concerned that data which should be encrypted is first of all being sent from an http page (making it unencrypted until it reaches the ssl address).



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Well, all you can do then is to try this:


and use it in place of:



I can't see how customers will see an ssl padlock on the page when going from an http page.  It looks as though this shared ssl is only for limited use.  I would be concerned that data which should be encrypted is first of all being sent from an http page (making it unencrypted until it reaches the ssl address).




That didn't work either. Thank you though.

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Best advice - forget about Yahoo. At some point in time you may well need to use .htaccess files and Yahoo does not allow the use of any file which begins with a dot e.g. .htaccess etc



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Best advice - forget about Yahoo.? At some point in time you may well need to use .htaccess files and Yahoo does not allow the use of any file which begins with a dot e.g. .htaccess etc




Yeah I had to delete the dot before I could upload those files. Any hosting reccomendations for OSCommerce?

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