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Category dependent header image??


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I want to have a different header image (where the logo should be) depending on what category we click on.


I looked for such a contribution but couldn't find any. So I was wondering if any of you have some sample code.


I searched the forum and contributions too and the closest thing I came to what I need is the Header Tags Controller which I could eventually modify to serve my needs.

I just want to know if there is a contribution for such a thing, so I can save some time. (I am 2 months late in delivering the website to the cutomer so time is of essence)





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I use the Category Meta Tags Contribution (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1176). It allows you to do whatever you want to put a header at the top of the cat & subcat pages. Works great, but some people with STS (like me) have had some issues. It took me a few hours to work out the kinks with STS, but eventually did it.


Good Luck

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